My first epidural I screamed ow and felt a sharp pain only on the one side he asked what’s wrong I said that didn’t feel right the epidural didn’t even numb the side he got nothing was happening he ended up putting medication into the line an said it would work 45 min later nothing mind u I came in at 8:30pm and was 5cm dilated active contractions it was now 1am my water broke at 1:15 he had to rush back in to do another and my body was already pushing I was exhausted it FINALLY worked and now my one part of my back is soooo sensitive. I’m sorry you went through this.
@sieanne I do get lower back pain and when I touch my spine where they were attempting to it still feels bruised and uncomfortable to touch 5 months pp. but they never actually managed to get it in, they were just poking around with needle in my back for so long and I do think that’s the reason I get pains.
@Gianna that happened to me , the doctor kept hitting a nerve and my leg was twitching when he said he managed to get it in the correct place so because my leg was twitching he never continued he said he didn’t feel comfortable doing it in case it damaged a nerve x
Yeah I endured so much pain from the contractions from my left side of my back to my leg I can’t lay on my left side without an aching pain bad
Epidurals failing happens 20% of the times and normally the Dr will explain that it’s a possibility. It’s takes years of experience for anesthesiologists to get it right so them not being able to get is annoying but understandable. Epidurals are extremely complicated to do. A spinal is an epidural too, it’s just a shot of epidural tho. My epidural failed (which I wasn’t mad about cause I originally got it for a procedure) and I labored and gave birth feeling everything.
Can I ask since having the epidural have you had back pain? I had the epidural but ended up having a emergency c section because I caught sepsis