Visitors after birth

If you're close with your parents and they live locally, when did you allow your mom and dad to visit you after the birth of baby? They want to be in the waiting room at the hospital, which I have said yes to. But as far as coming over after we go home, I'm not sure. My sibling and parents live five minutes away. Right now, I just feel like we're kind of going to want to be in our own bubble. Curious what everyone else did.
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I think we had about 2 weeks without visitors and then grandparents came and an occasional close friend. We were lucky that everyone was really easy going and happy to go with our time frames. I definitely enjoyed having the bubble bit at the start.

My mum came every night the first few weeks but she brought us home cooked dinner, held the baby so we could eat and then took the dishes back home with her. We got no cooking and no dishes and she got the baby cuddles she wanted. We had originally said no visitors so she came up with this plan and it was good.

We originally said no visitors for 15 days so we could do the 5 5 5 general postpartum rule. We ended up having my parents over on the day we came home from the hospital and honestly, it was awesome. My pregnancy craving was deli meat sandwiches and I didn’t ever have them. My parents set up a deli meat sandwich dinner for us and it was honestly amazing. We didn’t have anyone else over right away and i have no regrets

My mom showed up and tried to get in the delivery room when I was in active labor after I told her multiple times that I wanted it to just be me and my man. The nurse kept coming in saying “your mom would like to come in” and I was contracting and said “NO I TOLD HER NO SO MANY FUCKING TIMESSSSS” and then she left and went home and didn’t bother to see me in the hospital after the baby was born.

We waited for visitors until she was 2 weeks old

Not my parents (they’re trash) but my in-laws. The day after we got home. Had them visit the hospital the evening she was born. Born early hours Monday morning, hospital visit the same evening. Home on the Tuesday evening. Had them visit Wednesday afternoon. Then each of his siblings, my sister and best friend staggered throughout the first week. Limited them all to an hour maximum. Don’t regret it at all

My parents tricked me into visiting in the hospital instead of at home when we were ready. Protect the bubble. It was gone way too soon

I’m pretty close with my family and they took turns with us visiting my son in the nicu so we could go home and rest so I let them visit whenever. I feel like as long as they don’t give you anxiety there’s no harm. And it would be especially easy if you guys are good at communicating. They’re only 5 minutes away so they probably won’t try to stay the whole day either

We didn't have anyone come visit for two weeks so we could get used to being a family

During pregnancy I got into a really toxic mindset and was selfishly planning how i wanted post labour to go with family/friends. I’m so glad I really thought about how I wanted my daughters first weeks in the world to look like and it completely changed how I thought. I wanted everyone I loved to come and meet my favourite little love as soon as they wanted! The amount of joy she’s brought into everyone’s life is priceless! I had no awkward visits (apart from one) but it showed me how much everyone loved me and cared about me which really helped on my low days! As long as you communicate how you’re feeling to friends and family they will understand. Don’t shut off and try not to think of a structure! It’s unnecessary stress! Play it by ear and see how it goes! I found people never overstayed their welcome.

My mum was there the next day so was my sisters lol and when I came home my dad came over

@Georgia I love this and really appreciate this advice! I am such a type A person and like everything to be planned but this is probably one of those things that will go way better if I just see how it goes and how I'm feeling in the moment. Thank you.

I thought I was going to be a type A mum and boy was I wrong haha! As soon as I let go control I saw a massive shift in my pregnancy! My labour had no plan and it was so joyous and stress free! I was laughing and making jokes in between pushes and having the midwives in stitches!(it did fucking hurt but the excitement took over the pain) and now she’s hitting her milestones early, super happy all the time and has a great relationship with all of her family! I wish you all the best, it’s the best thing in the world! I’d relive it all in a heartbeat!

Haven't had any visitors for 6 weeks. Best decision ever

Unfortunately we had 4 family members going away two days after she was born (partners dad, partners sister, my Nana and grandad) We wanted them to meet her and they were desperate so felt like we had to invite them before they went. But that meant also letting both sides of my family (both our parents have split up and have other partners) and his come over quicker than we would have liked and it became a lot. Had people over the next day after we got home so I wasn’t really letting myself recover and after 4 days straight of visitors we told people we needed a week or 2 just for ourselves. Im glad they got to meet her quickly but if we were to do it again, I would have waited maybe a couple of days at least to stay in the bubble and have some time.

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I was able to prevent PPD all 3 births coz I invited people who I wanted to the hospital, lucky I had my own room coz I had people coming in and out all day- I needed the company, I like having people visit they come w food or a hug and a chat and a laugh, I felt much less lonely. My sisters and some close friends came every couple days plus my MIL was there at all times just making sure I had the next meal ready. Lots of mums fall into depression PP or feel lonely or isolated but I didn’t feel like that. I had lots of help, I didn’t want to purposely isolate myself.

My parents were there during and after birth and it was a Godsend. My mom took care of me and my dad cooked every meal. So blessed 🙏

I'm very close to my 5 siblings they all could've been in the room with me if the hospital allowed it. My siblings were welcome to come and go as they please. My husband isn't close with his family. His mom did come stay with us for 2 weeks. It was amazing she cooked and cleaned the whole time.

So my fiancé's parents came as soon as they could to visit, and it was about 1.5 hours later since they had an hour or so drive , if me n my fiance didn't stay together after a bad fight I would of called his mom to be there with me during it cuase I didn't want to go threw it alone and I wouldn't of told him when our son was born I would of had his mom do it for me since i wouldnt been able to

My parents live 7 minutes away. When we got home, they brought dinner. Then after that they waited for us to invite them over for a few weeks so we could adjust.

We agreed to meet weekly on a set day so we didn’t get any surprise visits.

I would say let everyone know your expectations for that post partum period before hand, but be open to the idea that it might change! Keep an open communication with them about how you’re feeling, that you want time to bond with your baby. Having them so close is nice because you have that flexibility, if you tell them you want space but change your mind they’re only 5 mins away. For me, my in laws were visiting from across the country for the birth and after so I really didn’t get the choice, they were just there. Once they left, my family was 25 mins away driving and I saw them a lot but they were super helpful and I enjoyed them being around.

We let both come over the day after we got home! My in laws came early morning around 9am and brought breakfast and it was lovely seeing them meet their granddaughter and I had a shower and stuff whilst my husband was with them. My mum came around 1pm and she stayed until about 8pm BUT she cooked us dinner, did washing, unpacked my hospital bag and helped my husband with our daughter as I went to bed at 6pm. She also made m6 husband write a shopping list and went out the next morning and did a huge food shop for us for the next 2 weeks! I enjoyed having visitors but they were helpful visitors. They got me stuff, made me food, drinks.. didn’t demand to hold the baby etc. if they were different I wouldn’t have enjoyed it!

Yes I need advice here too. Idk what to do. My mum is so intense but doesn’t like being told or listening to what others want. I don’t want visitors for the first week at least but mum just shows up and takes the baby wearing too much perfume and just ignores me if I ask her to leave because I need a sleep. Not I’m 32 weeks with second bub and I want to set some rules but idk 🤷‍♀️

Our first was during Covid lockdown so it was about 2 months in and I hated it - I had this beautiful new baby and wanted to show her off to the world and I couldn’t 😭 they walked past the house and I held her up to the window for them to see her, such a weird time looking back. With my second it was the day after we came home from the hospital because I didn’t want to feel like I did after my first ever again

My parents lived 5 minutes away and after the initial flurry the first couple of days we were left to get on with it so still had that two week bubble.

My boy was born during Covid so that naturally limited visitors. We formed a ‘bubble’ with my in laws who are local and they came over the day he was born as soon as we were home from hospital. I was also out meeting people on walks from day 3.

I would want them there everyday personally x

No hospital visitors. I was in the hospital for quite a while with both of them. Parents and siblings allowed to visit for a short stay when we were home.

I had an emergency c section so everyone was there from day 1. I was struggling a lot. I'm so thankful they were there from day 1

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We did no visitors for 6 weeks at least

Boundaries and what is their purpose and intention being there. Cooking cleaning washing bottles. Just not there to hold baby.

My parents aren’t local and are flying in from Ohio to be here in az with me for the first week and they are staying at my house after the birth, but even if we did live in Ohio, I’d probably let them come help me home and get situated and then probably let them hang out day of coming home but then probably ask them to wait a few more days before coming back over.

My mum is 1 of my birth partners, so she'll obviously be there. I have said i want no visitors at the hospital until my 2 girls have been to visit. Then my partners parents can come visit. When we get back home my mum can come whenever as she will do housework and make sure im okah and not just come for baby. If people want to come visit they can after a week and only a couple people at a time. Will also be saying no visitors unless they bring food or are going to help with a bit of housework and not just cuddle baby

My mum was there during the birth but I’ve told family and friends that I don’t want visitors until I feel ready which I said would be at least 2 weeks. Just remember it’s your baby so it’s your rules, if it means falling out with friends or family then so be it, your mental health is more important x

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