I had my c section a week ago and we’ve had to put the next to me crib on my partners side of the bed x
I had to have the Next to Me standalone, with a gap between it and the bed as I couldn't shuffle down otherwise! I did also need my partner to pull me up most days as well.
I was in the bed straight away. Try swing your legs off first then hoist yourself up at an angle. If you have a partner for the first few days get them to sleep that side and lift the baby up.
I used alot of pillows to keep me more upright. Having someone help you out and in as much as possible helps! Put your legs out first and whole body movements, so inside of the typical roll and crunch to get up legs first then the top half!
I slept the sofa for 2 weeks😅x
We used a Moses basket in the bedroom to start with - had it for downstairs anyway. Kept a gap between that and the bed. My partner also pulled me up the first few days then it seemed to get less painful and I managed myself. Some people do just stay on the sofa to begin with tho, will depend on your recovery as it’s very individual. Good luck!
We had the next to me crib next to my hubby and I slept upright with pillows and would slide in and out of bed.
I got advice from one of the midwives at the hospital on how to get up out of bed. They said lay on your side, swing your legs off first and to use your arms to push yourself up to the sitting position before sliding or standing slowly from the bed x
I put the next to me at the end of my bed in the first few days, and also tied my dressing gown handle to the bed frame so I could use it to hoist myself up!