@Izzy I got dr.browns and I think I should definitely switch because #1 it be leaking and with her choking. I didn’t even know there was different nipple sizes. Will it be on the box? Or is that a separate thing you buy
@Mayiah im not well versed with Dr Browns, but it usually says on the box, and you can check the size of the nipple by looking at the number on the nipple. Ive had mam and avent bottles. You can also google to see if dr browns has different sizes, and where you could buy a smaller size if it does. When i talk about size, i mean flow. A smaller size has a slower flow
You can order T-Size nipple from Amazon to help with pacing and maybe side lying feeding to help with spit ups.
I use mam, because I’m combo feeding and it has different size nipples as well a different size bottles
@Mayiah Dr browns has premie nipples. Look on Amazon, you should be able to buy them stand alone. I have my daughter on the for daycare as the rest of the time she is breastfed directly from the tap. Premie mimics the flow and effort on the boob.
Not a bottle recommendation, but try pace feeding! You basically keep the bottle parallel to the ground and don’t fill up the whole nipple, so that they drink enough without over doing it. Also try mylicon drops, those helped my colicky baby so well!
@Mayiah this is the pack I bought for her for daycare. I prefer the glass but they won’t take glass at daycare. This has flow 1 and premie. https://a.co/d/iaDDpfz
@Ashley I be really trying but she starts flipping out when I stop her mid bottle to burp her I be feeling so bad but I still do it but I’ll give the pace feeding a try I’m praying it helps
I use Comotomo bottles and my baby girl loves it! She likes the 1 flow size as it doesn’t drip and she has control over how much she takes. Is your baby ebf? Maybe the reflux is due to nipple confusion?
I had a baby in the nicu for 80 days because she was born prematurely. We used dr browns nipple size 1 once she hit the 37 week mark. But we also side line fed her. It helps tremendously with choking, pacing, and acid reflux. Also making sure she was getting burped long enough. The nurse told me having her back straight helps get the gas out
@Azhar Boyer I tried breastfeeding but she didn’t like the flow of my boobs because it was too slow and she would pull me like a elastic band lmfaoo so I stopped. So I have her on the bottle only and she’s 11 weeks now
I use MAM bottles, my baby used size 1 and size 2 teat, and he is great on them. Hope you get it sorted as it must be really horrible for you. Also boots sell their own brand and they're so cheap and great too I also use them il send you a link. You could always try them out if you didn't want to waste too much money. It does sound like your baby needs a slower flow teat
I'm not sure if they ship to the US
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My baby ate too fast too! We switched to Philips Avent Nautrals… they have the “Y” hole so they don’t leak out without him sucking.. we use the size two, he’s 3 months old and they are perfect for him.
My two month old has been using Dr browns bottles with size P (preemie) nipples that a lactation consultant recommended for babies of all ages. It’s the slowest flow but as the babies grow stronger they can still finish a bottle quickly because their sucking muscles develop. He does really well with it. We bought the nipples separately on Amazon and will only move to the 1 size if his feedings take longer than 15 minutes. Hope you find a good solution for your baby!
Def dr browns. I was having the same issue because I switched from breastfeeding to bottle due to daycare
Look up paced feeding (bottle). It’s a method you can try with your baby. It might not be the bottle but how you give it to her
Also use the correct nipple for her age
@Giuliana she’s 11 weeks how do I know which nipple size to get her,
Quark bottles are the best in my opinion! Was using the Lasinoh bottles before but my son was drinking too fast and choking like you said your daughter is.
@Mayiah I am not sure what bottle you’re using but I’ll use mine for example. I have the Comotomo bottle and it has different nipple sizes, one that is slow-flow for 0-3 month old babies, medium-flow for 3-6 month olds, and fast-flow for 6+ month old. Check to see if you have options for your bottle
Check the size of the nipple, there are different flow settings based on the size of the nipple. For example, my 2 month old uses phillips avent anticolic and uses size 1 nipples. Size 2 makes him choke like you described