Omg it's so painful. I think last time it happened after my emergency and they happened while I was in bed and I could handle it. But today omg I've felt like I've been going into labour throughout the day! Hopefully as the days go on they will calm down 🤞 And thank you 🩷 I will definitely take it a bit easier and look after myself for a quicker and better recovery
I found my second so painful, I was really surprised but I think it lasted about a week where I struggled but then it did go, my HV told me that the second time round it just a lot harder so just give yourself time x
It was only a few days for me but I hated breastfeeding as the contractions felt so uncomfortable 😭
Apparently they get worse with each pregnancy, I don’t remember having them with my first at all so it was such a shock with my second, was worse during breastfeeding, I honestly thought I was going to wet myself and had to keep stopping! I think they only lasted 4-5 days tho x
I didn't have them with my first. With my second you're absolutely right it was like labour contractions. Mine lasted 3 days but apparently it's different for everyone
A good week and half while breastfeeding for me
I think for me it was on and off for around 4 days, but my goodness when it was happening it was very painful so I totally empathise. If you’re breastfeeding it may be worse too, which I was doing. It’s so hard getting the balance with a newborn, but try to take extra care of yourself ❤️