Your baby might be colicky? Having a lot of gas and stuff like that. Pressure on the belly helps as well as gas drops or if old enough maybe sleep drops from the Mummy’s brand might help
How old is the child and are the sleep trained ? What’s the schedule ?
Have you tried bouncing on a pregnancy ball? My son has a hard time falling asleep and it’s been a lifesaver
How old is he or she? My baby was constantly crying from around 5-8am and I thought it was gas at first but now I’m not sure. It looks like he’s in pain which I hate having to see. Sometimes holding him against my chest helps make him feel better but other times he continues to cry so I keep changing positions until one of them works. Im not really sure what it is either but would love to know if anyone else experienced this and got it resolved..
Try giving him something that smells like you when going to bed at night , it may help on top of using a white sound machine thing n if he wakes up pat his side talking to him if he won't go down feed him n rock at same time ( ik I say he but it makes it easier to type but if it's a she I'm sorry for saying he ) n makesure he isn't to cold or warm cuase that may be why
Do you have the heating on? We were told babies need the temperature to be 18 degrees in the room and we put the heating on through the night and it really helped. I think she was getting cold in the early hours ? Might not help but worth a try
I’m sorry you’re going through this, Are you breastfeeding? What kind of milk does your baby drink?