Is it a phase?
Recently, I’ve been trying to schedule more playdates for my 3 year old as well as take her to the park a couple times a week instead of every once in a while… but I can’t seem to get her to play nice. She’s not necessarily aggressive or anything, but my toddler is very big for her age and plays kind of rough. Usually she’ll start chasing other kids playfully and they’ll run and play back, but as soon as they stop running for example, my child will sort of pat/push them to continue. Which I immediately let her know to “play nice and keep hands to herself” but it’s honestly like talking to a brick wall. It gives me so much anxiety to take her around kids because I don’t like confrontation and just like I wouldn’t want another child touching my baby, I can only assume her behavior is taken badly by other parents as well. I can do without the looks and stares. I must add that my toddler is very hard headed (like most) and when she says no… it’s NO.
Anyone going through something like this ??? Does it get better…
Hmmmmm not exactly but a little boy did push my daughter down and I didn’t find myself too upset at him. Like I did feel bad for my daughter but to me he was just a kid too and kids sometimes get a little rough without meaning anything. I couldn’t bring myself to assume the worst of some little child lol.