Toddler bed transition
My girl has always been a 12 hour sleeper and very rare we’ve ever had a bad night.
We’ve transitioned to a toddler bed and it’s so hard now. She wakes every night about 3/4 ish and will not go back to sleep in her bed. We’ve tried all sorts but considering the time we just need to get back to sleep asap. She’s been coming In our bed which I hate I can’t lie, I can’t sleep properly with her wriggling! This has been going on about 10 days so early days but I want to nip it in the bud. Someone help?!
She is also teething and going through a ‘no nap’ phase in the day too!
For context she is 2.5 years old
I feel you. My LG is 28 months and we transitioned to a toddler bed in preparation for baby 2 next month. She's rarely slept the night through so we transitioned thinking it would help however she's teething, and we are all full of coughs and colds. Now instead of her coming into our bed between 3 and 5am she comes in around 11pm as the cough wakes her. I accept it because like you, we need sleep but I'm starting to get anxious for when baby is here. Have no tips or advice but just wanted to comment as I'm in the same boat. Hoping once she's teethed and the cold is gone that she'll sleep through and it was jsut a phase. X