Is that speech therapy? My son shows no signs of any neurodivergence & neither us or his preschool think he has any. Not that there would be an issue if there because there isn’t! It’s literally just being slightly behind on speech/not as clear as others. He is on the waiting list for speech and language therapy but we all know waiting lists aren’t short 🤦🏼♀️
I always learned walkers before talkers and talkers before walkers. My daughter was so advanced with all her milestones but was speech delay. She’s doing so much better now she’s going to be four in July. She went to speech therapy and it has improved a lot, she still has a long way to go, when she talks it’s almost rushed like she’s too lazy to talk a full sentence so she will try to half ass do it but it’s definitely gotten better lol
My little one is 3.5 and she's really behind in speech almost non verbal and we had her tested per peds and she was diagnosed with ADHD/ASD 50/50 we re test for better diagnosis in a few months. In the mean time. Therapy is what they have her one and preschool for her with therapy