Dressing gown cord to help pull you up! Long phone cable and charger/plug Loads of snacks Easy to put on slippers for when you hoist yourself off the bed!
An eye mask so I can sleep at any point in the day Headphones so I can listen to a podcast to keep myself awake during night feeds without waking everyone else up Massive pants that go to your belly button so doesn't hurt your incision Comfy nighties Snacks for sure! Some hydrating face masks so I can do a bit of self care whilst I am sat around, might as well take advantage lol
I've been told peppermint tea bags, apparently trapped wind and bloating is really common after a section and peppermint can help.
Lots of comfy pjs/nighties, leaving hospital outfit for me that's loose, wash bag with toothbrush, lip balm and nail clippers as first born had long nails. Charging cables, headphones, a book and my switch. Oh and my Xbox controller if it'll work haha. But I expect I won't use my controller or switch but taking them so I've got them.xx
Flip flops for the shower and slippers and a dressing gown as well..x
If you have one a small handheld fan. It’s unbelievably hot on the ward especially after a c section. Lots of snacks to get your sugars up. Disposable knickers, long phone cable, a big water bottle- they will ask you to pee in a bowl to a certain line before you are allowed home and it’s easier to drink from a water bottle rather than asking for constant cups of water.
High waisted comfy trousers are a must for coming home in. Leggings to wear if you’re in a little while after. Big high waisted pants. All to avoid the waistband sitting on your scar.
Like to add take some painkillers as the midwifes get busy. I was asking for 2hrs before I took my own. Xx
Sorry no advice as this is my first c section but following for answers! X