Is my baby broken?

Does anyone’s baby not like cuddling or spending time with you? My son refuses to lay with/cuddle me or his dad. But when he’s with his grandparents he’ll lay with them and even sometimes take a nap in their arms. He’s been like this for awhile. Like he’s very independent, he likes playing alone and sometimes will just yell till we leave the room so he can play by himself He was a NICU baby for about 2 weeks and at home he only slept in his bassinet as we didn’t contact sleep. I think there was like two incidents where he’d fall asleep on me and it’s when he was teething. Am I overthinking this? Is this normal or something to bring up to the pediatrician? I just want baby cuddles 😭
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My little girl isn't a cuddler unless she's sick. I try to hold her and she pushes me away 😭

My son hates cuddling with me or dad. He’ll cuddle a little with my mom. But he prefers to be independent and be alone 95% of the time. I miss the cuddles too 😭

My first was like this … just got to remember they’re still little humans who have boundaries too. Not everyone is an affectionate person, their love language probably isn’t physical touch and that’s okay!! But now he is 4yrs old and ask to sleep with me and constantly wants to be next to me/sitting on my lap💕

My daughter only likes her snuggles on her terms. Basically when she’s sick or bawling. She no longer wants to contact nap or snuggle. She’s go go go and when she goes down she likes space

My son is the same way. He only cuddles me at night when he cries. Otherwise he even won’t let me kiss him. He is very independent

My baby hates to be touch cuddled

It’s normal. Phases change

My son loves to cuddle and when we stopped cosleeping it was horrible. My daughter i tried to cosleep and when I went back to work part time at 5.5 months PP, I tried getting my husband to cosleep with her until I got home. She would just cry and play with my husband. After a week my husband just started putting her in her crib and she loved it. She lovesss her own space and even when she's hurt she doesn't want to cuddle. The only time I get to hold her is when she wants to sit on my lap and eat 🙄🙄

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