Agreed listen to Your gut there’s nothing wrong with staying home with baby if that’s what you feel is best for your littles studies have been done pointing to heightened levels of stress/ cortisol etc I haven’t looked into them in depth because I was never sending any one of my children out to them anyhow. My understanding was that they were initially created for those who had to work and didn’t have the option to remain home with their littles
@Donna @Amandine Thank you ☺️ I think I will go with my gut and stay at home with him if at all possible (even if it means no holidays or meals out!)
Our first had no choice but to go to nicu. But with our second she never left us ..
Agreed 100% (and also understand why some people have to) but that's one of the reasons we chose that I'd be a sahm for now. Don't get me wrong, we had to do some sacrifices for this to happen, especially in this economy. But it's worth every single cents we're not getting, to be able to raise her ourselves. I now couldn't even imagine having to drop her off every morning and have her be raised by someone else. We attend playgroups, classes, lessons etc every morning and do stuff together at home in the afternoon. And her development is amazing. Do what feels good to you and listen to your mama instincts, they're never wrong.