C section date

I had an emergency with my son and have an elective this time also due to blood issues ive been given my date when ill be 39+4 the same time i had my son! Im Freaking out that its too late on and shell come early can i ask for the date to be changed to earlier or will they tell me no? Due to my blood issue i may not be able to get the spinal and may need put to sleep so my emotions are everywhere
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Yep you can totally ask for an earlier date. My csection was at 38 weeks for my first and they have said that I'll be 37 weeks this time due to a low lying placenta. They did ask me if the date was OK with my first so I'd ask them as soon as possible so they have the maximum amount of time to get it planned

@Danielle thank you i wasnt sure i just think its so close to my due date and things will go wrong ill give them a call i did message my midwife but heard nothing back yet

Midwives are a bit useless at messaging back 😄 mine never gets back to me and I usually go through triage if I don't hear back. Ymthey will direct you to the right person to talk to.

I’ve been told this time I can’t have less than 39. Unless something shows on the 36 week scan. If I have earlier then I need to be in hospital for 3 days for a steroid to help babies lungs but because I’m diabetic I can’t go home because the steroid can mess with sugars. Yet I had a baby last year at 38+2 no steroids

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