I’m scared the GP would get the social services involved cos they might be thinking something is happening at home and would ruin my marriage. I no for a fact nothing of such is happening at home but my brain is just not letting go. PS- my girls comes before anybody
I have PPA still at 20 month but then iv never addressed it. But I’d say you have PPA
Hi, I had the same thoughts after I gave birth and have constant thoughts of something bad would happen to my baby, I was scared to tell it to anyone but then one of my friends who had a baby too said she had the same thoughts and that gave me reassurance Im not going crazy, I contacted GP and they referred me to a professional for talking therapy and its very rare I have these thoughts now.
I never had any form of postpartum disorder with my first, it was smooth sailing both physically and mentally but since I got pregnant with my second, my brain is over working itself not in a good way. It’s true two child are never the same. I better get help now and accept it soon and cos I hate not been in control of things, it’s frustrating
It is a maternal instinct to be worry about all that, but it’s crucial to not overthink and become overly protective over our own children. There are many bad people out there, yes, which is why it is our job to raise them well so that they can distinguish good from bad, who to keep friends and who to stay away from. Family sure isn’t a group of bad people, unless you know differently. You should feel safe with them as this can make your children grow up having zero confidence as they wouldn’t know who to trust other than you. You need to see a therapy if you don’t want to talk about it with your husband or family. It will be negatively affecting your children as they grow up. We need to teach them how to survive in this world without us and they can’t do that if all you do is paranoia and fear of the world. Life is not rainbows and unicornsbb, but we can help them see and learn how we can build a safe place for ourselves to live in and explore the world.
I’ve gone through a similar phase before and have spoken to a cognitive therapist about it, which have helped me see things differently.
I had 2 under 2 and with my second I got hit a lot harder with ppa/ppd/etc. I ended up talking to a therapist which did help honestly. My therapist told me with 2 under 2 it’s a lot greater risk to have stronger feelings like that because your body never got the chance to get back to your normal hormonal levels and whatnot so it kinda just adds up.
@Maria the number 1 goal for all social services and doctors and mental health services is to keep baby with mum. They even have specialist build hospitals in som areas dedicated to mums who have significant postpartum anger, depression, anxiety where they r built to keep ur baby with u the entire time whilst you go through therapy and recieve help so that you don't lose that bond with ur baby. It takes a lot to get ur children taken away and asking for help definitely isn't one of them, I had the same thoughts before I reached out for help but was reassured by everyone that there goal is to help not harm and taking baby away for no good reason would be harmful. There r services dedicated to helping mums who think and feel the way u do I had 3 therapists in the go when I was pregnant and after birth because mine were so bad not once did anyone indicate that theu wanted to take my baby x
Thanks mama for the reassurance, I really appreciate it…. Booked an appointment with my health visitor for a telephone call today in the morning….. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
It's normal in a sense that postpartum anxiety with OCD Intrusive thoughts can be quite common in postpartum and in pregnancy I had it to, however it's not OK to keep feeling like this you need to contact someone and get help, be it medicine or therapy/talking to a professional to help manage these thoughts I had these from the minute I found I was pregnant I would get a doctors app soon because it's horrible to feel that way x