Dropping naps

My toddler is refusing to nap most days. She’s 2 years 3 months. Are you toddlers of the same age also doing This. Are you going to skip naps altogether or
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Just let her/him tire themself out playing and sooner or later he/she will eventually will fall asleep. I have done it plenty of times with my toddler I hope this helps

I leave her in the cot n 2 hours later she’s still Up’

I have a 2 year old and he has been refusing to nap most days since he was 18 months. So we dropped nap time completely when he is at home. He does take a nap at his daycare but they have no issues getting him to take one. We do so we took it out and that’s what worked best for my toddler.

Yes! On and off! I've found taking her for A long walk or she rides her scooter for an hour in the morning, then lunch and put her down for a nap has helped! X

Mine is also 2y3m and since a couple days completely refuses to nap. Due to this she now doesn’t fight bedtime in the evening anymore, so I don’t care that much 😅 But we still go to bed, as her original nap time is also my babies nap time. We just cuddle for about an hour, or look at books. Basically quiet time instead of napping

Mine was fighting sleep for awhile and fighting sleep at bedtime too and finally I just dropped to a 1 hour nap 12:30-1:30 and she's then goes to bed 9pm and sleeps I til 7/8 in the morning ! Before she was staying up I til midnight or 1

This must be a running trend for these 2y3m little . I was literally looking up the 2 yo sleep regression to see if I was going crazy . So happy to read you all are in this with me . My daughter has been fighting sleep for the past week . Both nap and bedtime , it’s been rough .

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