
Do we get to full term with gestational, I am on insulin and metformin and I am not keen on being induced, does anyone know ?
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I’m on metformin and insulin and was told they don’t recommend going past 38 weeks. You can decline induction though you will just most likely be offered more monitoring

I was on insulin and metformin and had csextion at 38+5 they don't like you going past 39 when in medication and past 40 when diet controlled but does depend on trust

You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. So if you want to get to 40 weeks, that’s your choice and they should just advise risks etc. I refused to be induced until I reached 40 weeks and looked into all the research papers etc on nice guidance, to make sure I was informed x

I was on both and I was induced 37weeks and 4 days but baby was measuring pretty big and I was scared of him baking any longer

Usually it's dependant on your trust, any complications you may have and the growth of baby at your scans. At the end of the day it's your choice, they can only advice you of the risks.

I was induced at 38 weeks and regretted it so much

You can refuse and carry on, but the placenta does decrease with GD. I was induced at 38+2 last time ended in C-section. I’m having C-section this time at 39 providing 36 week scan is ok

I was on metformin and they said they wouldnt let me go past 39 weeks so they started induction at 38+4. I cant remember the reason but its standard to be induced early if on medication for GD xx

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