I had been very worried for a while. The health visitor came before his third birthday a couple weeks ago now and verified it all. She hadn’t even sat down yet and told me she can tell his speech is really concerning. We have put a plan in place and are now trying to enforce it all. Fingers crossed my little boy starts to communicate and say more
@Libbi what was really concerning for her, is he saying any words at all? Xx
He has zero on the word test that she brought. He can do a few phrases but she said it’s not stringing words together so it doesn’t count
He has only just started saying mumma
In the past week
we've been worried about our sons speech as he seems to use echolalia to speak rather than his own words as well as the fact he literally doesn't acknowledge other children whatsoever! his key worker at pre school has sent a referral for ASD
@Taya so my little girl is simular although she's saying loads more. She also isn't bothered about other children, she's interested in what they are doing and watches other kids but doesn't play with them. What made the nursery refer her for ASD
Is it just the speech you’re worried about or other things? My 3 year old was diagnosed with autism last year and he’s non verbal
his PSED is behind about 12 months which is a big concern. He also stims a lot, finds transitions really difficult whcih results in meltdowns etc, his speech and then his insane memory! he knows so so much more than the average child his age.He has displayed a lot of symptoms since he was tiny but more so since two! we're hoping this will give us some support as think he needs it
@Sam I mean speech is 100% improved and shes saying alot and can tell she has the understanding, how ever certain things you read up on austism sound like her. Like not that interested in other children, repeating of words from TV etc, repeating of words in general but not necessarily knowing what they mean.
Yes my son was diagnosed with autism early this year and non verbal
@Monica what were the signs x
@Taya was it the nursery that approached u about it?
My son has sensory issues with food and noises and he used to hit his head on stuff like tiles and brick walls now he kinda just hits himself when it's to much he has been in daycare since he was 1 and now he is 3 he only now shows signs of wanting to play with other kids but that's after doing ot therapy for almost a year and when he was yoing like 6 months he would make it known he didn't wanna be hugs and move his hands from you and put in down the side of his body upto a year old.he met.every milestone till walking then it was down hill he can say some words but he can't tell me he is hungry or thristy because he doesn't even know all his doctors thought he had it but was to young to get tested
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