I was induced on the Friday, had waters broken on the Saturday after 14 hours I wasn’t progressing past 3cm ended in a C-section anyway on the Sunday
I was induced over 3 days, I wasn't progressing very well. Baby became distressed and I had an emergency c-section. I'd choose an elective c-section next time
I was induced at 40+1 but spent 3 days in labour and eventually delivered with forceps. I just knew my body wasn’t ready but being my first I relied on the “professional” opinions, in hindsight I’d have waited.
With my first, I had to be induced earlier due to elevated BP but also had GD. After 11 hours, there was no progress and baby had decels after contractions so we ended up with a c-section. Can't get induced this time due to a previous c-section but I also don't think I want to go through an induction if the likely result is c-section anyways. The first time I wish they would have told me that my bishop's score was low so the induction has a lower chance of success.
Worst decision I ever made, I was induced by putting the balloon in me for a night and that didn’t work because I wasn’t dilated. So I had to go and get my waters break and that was the worst thing ever, because it was my first baby so my body went into shock and my baby’s heart rate dropped so they had to do an emergency C-section.
Thanks everyone - all your stories are just confirming why i don’t want to be induced. If baby doesn’t come on his own I will go with having a section
I had an induction due to having GD and I actually had a very positive experience. All I got told on here beforehand was that it would end in a c section but not all do, everyone’s body reacts differently. It took 3 days before I was ready to get moved on the labour ward and they broke my waters on the 24th Jan 2024 at lunchtime and by 01:38 on the 25th my little girl was born. It was a very fast labour once started. I birthed her vaginally too which I didn’t think I would be able to do due to the stories I got told. I was toying with a c section myself due to what I’d been told on here but I know the recovery is quite rough, so I had in my head how if for any reason the induction didn’t go to plan, I’d be having a c section anyway so I wanted to try that first as the recovery time afterwards would be a bit easier. I had an episiotomy cut which was quite sore afterwards but other than that everything went as planned. More than happy to chat over message if you have any questions xx
I was induced over 3 days i never went past 1cm so ended up having an emergency csection