Induction request…

Please no judgment here.. Im thinking of asking my midwife if I can be induced at 37 weeks as I'm just not coping well!! I've had episodes of reduce movements, spotting and a recent hospital admiton on due to baby being in distress as I had naurovirours! I can also barley walk due to pelvic pain!! Has anyone asked for induction and been successful?
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I have been induced Nadia and it was absolutely fine! Baby was out the next day safely :)

@Merisha did you ask them for an induction?

@Nadia they gave me the option as I had some spotting towards the end. It’s more common than you think and especially if you’re in a lot of discomfort and worries about babies movements/being in distress

The most important thing is that baby arrives safely! But for me, I was induced, honestly because I was fed up and was 41+1. I wasn't showing any signs of labour, and it didn't end in a positive birth experience with my 1st x

My firstborn was an emergency c section at just over 41 weeks and I do have a c section booked for when I'm 39 weeks but I honestly feel like I can't last that long! I feel so dramatic but honestly I don't remember feeling like this with my son! My mental health is also starting to take a battering! But of course babys safety comes first x

I’m being induced at 38wks so there shouldn’t be an issue. Only thing is if the induction doesn’t work then other measures eg CSection will be needed.

I was going to say the same as Amy re if the induction doesn’t work it could end up in a C-section anyway so it’s just about weighing up the pros and cons. You’ve got this though!! 💪🏾

I asked for an induction with my last due to various reasons and they gave me it I was 39 weeks at the time though 😊 x

no judgement, i’m 27 weeks and already want it over i’m so ill and uncomfortable😂

I’ve asked for one and they said the earliest you can elect is 39 weeks. Given the reduced movement though you might be able to argue to have it earlier.

Hey just thought ill also share that I was induced with my first, but he became distress and labour wasn't moving along so had to have a emergency C-section. When I had my 2nd they started advising me towards another C-section due to the first stating it was due to potential risks it was frustrating as they prevented me from having a normal birth due to fear. I was well informed to make my own decisions but they kept pushing and raising more and more concerns, mind you my 2nd was 7years later so the scare was very well healed. I am currently pregnant again 7 years later with our 3rd looool and we are going back and forth about Vback being risky due to the previous 2 C-section and they won't recommend it advising against it stating C-section will be the only option, i wamted the experience or a natural birth. So just make sure you get all the information you need to go ahead and information if you plan on having anymore children. Like Amy amd Catherine said above its about weighing out the pros and cons. X

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