Did you go into labor without previous dilation?

Is it possible to go into labor without being effaced or dilated until the labor starts?
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yes it’s possible!

Yessss I wasn’t dilating for ages even being induced 😭

I wasn’t dilated at all the day before I went into labour, woke up the next morning went to the hospital and was 5cm, had my baby 5 hours later.

I went into labor, waited like 6 hours, went to the hospital and was only at like 1 or 2cm haha. I don't think I was dilated at all until labor started.

Yep, I was only moved to labour ward as precaution as I was in pain, not dilated at all when I arrived and when I was checked shortly after I was 5cm, speedy 45 min labour!

Probably. I never knew all that before labour as I don’t get cervix checks at all. I could’ve been 💁🏻‍♀️ my labours are long though, so I’m assuming I take ages to dilate. Women who have shorter labours dilate quicker. After 25hrs of contractions I went into hospital and I was 8cm, another 3hrs and he was born.

With my first, I didn't check because I didn't want to be discouraged. With my second, at my 38 week appointment, I was 3 cm already. She came at 39+1

Dilation is actually not one of the first signs of labor. OB’s will make you think it’s the only one though 🙄

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