Baby can spin all the way up until birth. No need to agree to that just yet if it’s not what you want. Also, check out spinning babies on YouTube.
I felt exactly the same when I was told baby was still breech as I had all of the aftercare gear ready for a vaginal birth 😅 I’d stock up now on paracetamol and ibuprofen as the hospital sent me home with nothing, and maybe investing in a c section recovery belt. I used mine quite a bit in the early days as it was nice to have some additional tummy support and it gives you the option to put heated pads in there too to take the edge off. The main thing that helped me though was staying active. I made sure to walk every day (even if it was just up and down the street) which helped with blood flow and to get some fresh air. I’d definitely listen to your body as you’ll know very quickly how far you can push yourself so just make sure you don’t over do it ❤️
Giant pants. Really high ones and the pregnancy pillow for leaning on anyway that makes u comfortable after, I put it between my legs n wrapped it round me to get comfy. Painkillers in the hospital bag and home as they messed me around so much and dragged out giving any medication
Have a look at csectionuk on IG! They are UK midwives and are so knowledgeable! The content is relevant and positive !
PEMF mat.
I had to have a c section for the same reason. The hospital sent me home with strong pain relievers and ibuprofen which I took religiously for the first week until the pain subsided. Make sure you have high waisted underwear and bottoms (preferably loose clothing) just so you’re comfortable. I didn’t have any issues getting up to walk right after surgery. The more you move around, the quicker you’ll heal. Just don’t overdo it. Eat hearty meals after to help you heal as well. I had really bad feet swelling afterward (never had the issue during pregnancy), so I had to get compression socks and elevate my feet a lot. The hospital provided a belly support band the day after surgery and that helped a lot. It adds some pressure to make you feel more secure. Not sure if they’ll give you one, but that was amazing. I would wear it at home daily just for the added support.
Comfy, high waisted pants & an abdominal binder!
Have you had an ECV yet? That’s on the cards for me and apparently can be up to 80% successful (in Australia) so not sure if that’s an option for you?
I had emergency C section first birth then now on every birth will be planned C section. Had 2nd bubba last week. Planned is such a smooth process and relaxed than emergency. The hospital should give you a script for what pain killers you will need after. Maternity pads for bleeding which natural births need to. Spent first few days in hospital bed and minimal movement. 1 week later doing small walks around the house. Take it easy and have like support shirts or a maternity belt to hold stomach in maybe a week later use it depends how you are healing up and pain wise as you don't want to irritate the scar and muscles I'd say use scar gel or patches but if you going to have more C sections no point. Wasting money as they go through the old scar/remove it. So maybe once finished having kids the. Apply scar gels or scar silicone sheets
1000% recommend a belly band ( the one from the hospital ended up being my favorite compared to the Frida one) . Without it you feel like your guts are going to fall out is the only way I can put it into words. It’s weird but not painful . Any high waisted compression underwear !
Try and set up a hoist to help you up and down from the bed without using your core- we used a dressing gown tie tied to the metal under the mattress and I’d use it to pull up with! Good luck with it all 🤍
I personally would just wait and buy things as you feel you need them because I had c-section and bought loads of stuff before hand and have used none of it! Waste of money 😒 x
Check out self massage for your c section scar once it's healed. Makes a huge difference! I didn't use anything specific in the 6 weeks of healing other than ice packs, Tylenol and super nutritious foods to promote healing. I also added safe stretches and movements after the 3rd week and built upon them each week.