Baby boy is here 🫶🏽
My 12th March baby decided to surprise us 8 days early and came on the 4th (🥞day)
I’d had my bloody show on Sunday night and from them was having inconsistent contractions up until Monday night when they all of a sudden started coming thick and fast😅
My partner persuaded me to ring triage at 3am Tuesday morning (I thought it was false alarm so was reluctant to go in) got to hospital at 3:30am which I was examined straight away and was 5cm dilated!! shock of my life I didn’t think it was real!!🤣
Went straight onto labour ward and was given gas and air, I was examined again at 7am and was still 5cm to which I then asked for an epidural as I needed to rest and things were getting really uncomfortable as he was back to back so I was really feeling it 😫. It was just in the middle of handover so my request was delayed but just as I was about to be given the epidural baby boy decided he wanted to make his appearance (I didn’t end up having it) so at 8:43am 5 hours after getting to triage and only having gas and air he was here weighing a lovely 6lb15oz😅
It was painful and im still in quite a lot of pain with my back but i had no tears🙏🏽🤞🏽we came home the same day and breastfeeding is going like a dream ❤️
Congratulations 🥰