Does anyone remember after their c section?

So my last c section was an emergency one going back 3 years ago now but for the life of me I can’t really remember much after I was brought up to the recovery ward. I think I was in and out of sleep or something?!😅 was I drugged so much?🤣 I remember waking up and seeing my partner, mum and baby holding him for a bit and then before long I was woken up to say I was being left on my own as they had to go home… I feel like I wasn’t really “with it” for majority of visiting time🥴 I don’t know if it was because I was in a long labour and never slept and then went down for a section at 6:25 the next morning or what?! All I’m asking is that, ladies who had an elective c section…after the surgery and you’re on the ward were you alert and awake?
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Just maybe with the years passing your memory has became distant? I had my son 7 months ago and remember most of it or bits I want to remember and that was elective c section, however my other son born naturally with no medication 17 years ago I haven’t a clueeee 😂

I had an emergency c-section and baby was born at 8:22pm. I still remember everything. It went by pretty fast.

During and after my elective / I was fully alert and awake. I breastfed my baby and I was eating a Nando’s while talking to my husband. My parents and siblings also came in to see us as well. I was chatting to my midwife about when the feeling in my lower body would come back etc.

I remember everything after both surgeries xx

I had a similar experience to what you describe - also 3 years ago. It’s not like I don’t remember it, it’s like I remember it like I’m watching a movie rather than actually experiencing it? Kinda hard to describe. I just had a planned C-section last week and I do remember being in the recovery area much more lucidly.

I had a emergency c section 10 weeks ago and I’m the same I dunno if it’s from the shock or being so tired but I don’t remember anything after being taken up to recovery x

I had an emergency section following 42hrs of labour with my first, you was likely just knackered and catching up on much needed sleep. Recovery is much harder on emergency section. I’ve now had an elective section, and yes it’s all much clearer, I remember so much more detail about the whole process. Not knackered after labour so much better first few days.

Yeah I remember everything from after my elective a few months ago. I was never in and out if it. In fact I didn’t sleep the whole evening and night after 😂

I got preeclampsia and my dr offered the option of induction or a c section but given how high my BP was getting, I opted for a c section. I was fully awake during and awake after. My daughter was a preemie so I was in recovery without her. They gave a single dose of morphine for pain but otherwise I fully awake and aware of what was going on. The only thing that made no my recovery difficult was the magnesium I was on for my BP.

I had mine almost 4 months ago I remember every second. The anesthesiologist asked me what was my fav band. My son was born listening to Rufus Du Sol! ❤️

@Laura I definitely think it was tiredness that just took over because that night was fine😅🤣

@Tierney how strange! It’s awful but I genuinely think it was how tired we got and of course it’s not a simple surgery to recover from so it most probably took a lot out of our body x

@Laura (Lor) I agree it’s sad as I want to remember but it’s all a blur x

Very much alert & awake while they constantly pressed on my abdomen trying to get the bleeding to stop & then vomiting from the meds they gave me to try n get the bleeding to stop

I was absolutely not with it in recovery after my emergency section. Kept trying to feed baby in the ear 🤣

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@Jennifer oh my god! That’s bloody awful! So sorry that happened to you! I hope you’re doing well now!

@Christina oh bless you ahaha that made me chuckle 😂

@Jennifer that happened to me I couldn’t stop being sick while they was trying to stitch me up I kept contracting even tho the baby was out I lost over 1 liter of blood

@Laura (Lor) i had a paper napkin as a burp cloth because I didn't have anything else and my mom got cussed OUT for saying "sweetheart that's a bit rough for his skin" ... don't criticize the magnesium drip new mom who's barely functional and very out of it. She learned that lesson

Hey, I had an elective and I was there for 7am, went down to have her at 12 and she was born at 12:39. I was back on the ward at about 1:30 and I was alert and awake! I was very sick but I react that way to anaesthetic and as soon as they gave me more anti sickness I was fine. I can remember her being given to me and the whole time in theatre and after! I aftually have more memory of what happened than I do with my first little girls birth and that was natural but very long xx

@Christina ahahah I’m sorry but I wish I was a fly on the wall that day! You sound hilarious!😂

I had 3 sections in 2.5 years.. I remember pretty much everything but I was definitely in and out of sleep for a couple days.. so I know exactly what you mean! With my 3rd my partner had to go NICU with baby and I literally fell asleep on the table while they were stitching me back up.. I woke myself up by snoring 😂 my consultant was taking the Mick out of me, but I allowed it as she had delivered 2 of my babies.. we were pretty much besties at this point 😂

@Rachael oh that sounds so positive (minus the sickness bless you) I’m hoping this time round it’ll be a lot different and like yours, I’ll be alert and will remember all of it, if not most of it xx

@Naomi pahaha oh I think that would be me too🤣 I’m definitely thinking that’s the way my body deals with major surgery but I’m hoping this time round will be different 🤞🏼

@Laura (Lor) part 3... i had spent 30 hours in the same hospital gown. I had JUST snapped it back up (incorrectly, but close enough!) when a nurse came in to do something that required her unsnapping it. My best friend told me later "the look on your face! You threatened to light the gown on fire" Please feel free to laugh away. I'm quite funny, especially when I'm in lala land

@Christina ahahaaha though to be fair I think I’d have had the same response after that🤣 but I can imagine the look😅😂

I had an emergency C-section and don’t really remember much, know my legs were going numb then the next minute my baby was in my partners arms 😂

I remember everything and was very awake and alert. I know sometimes they will give versed to help you relax, which can impair memory. You might ask if this was a medication you received!

I remember everything, very much awake and alert after my emergency section. I also didn’t sleep for two night prior to the section because of a long labour and didn’t sleep for another two night after the section, body just wouldn’t let me go to sleep 😅

I had a 4 day labour leading up to my emergency section and I was fcked to say the least🫣I remember a bit leading up to the decision of the section and i remember the whole section and the feelings with it. But after recovery it’s a faint memory. I also can’t remember the first weeks we were back home it’s all a blur. Think that’s lack of sleep lol. It was only 6 months ago as well so you’d think I’d remember it a bit more haha🥰

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I struggle to remember much of the first day post c sections. I remember the whole morning, surgery, and a little bit of the recovery room. Once in PP room, the whole day is a blur. I remember small bits throughout it the day b it not much. This was almost 2 years ago and I’ll be having my second c section in a few weeks. I’ve been worried about not remembering again because I want my daughter to come meet her sister before anyone else does but I’m afraid I won’t be fully present or remember this core memory. My midwife said it may have been because everything had felt stressful leading up to it, it was my first birth experience, everything was new etc, and I may not experience it this time. She also said it’s possible I had a higher dose of pain meds than I needed so to talk with the nurses this time around about my concerns. But I agree, it’s an odd feeling to remember only pieces blurred from the day :(

I was awake and alert the whole time

I feel this.. I'm the same now, looking back at birth photos, I ask myself why do I not remember some of I was awake through the whole time,your right it must be the medications, was rather alot.. one thing I do remember is that awful pain in the coller bones & chest 😔xxx

I remember everything, but it did feel like the edges of my vision were turning black and felt... fuzzy? If that makes sense

I had an emergency c section and was aware of everything. I didn't have anything for pain but paracetamol after though as I have an opioid allergy. I fed my baby well and was changing her with my husband's help sitting me up. I got sepsis though & was delirious when it got bad lol. I think I remember too well.

I had 4 and I don’t remember anything from my first two . My 3rd I remember waking up in recovery even though I have pictures of me being wheeled to the room with her in my arms . I remember everything start to finish without much haze with my last. According to my anesthesiologist that’s most likely due to the amount of spinal tip they gave my first 3 I dry heaved violently after it was injected with my last one I was fine . With my first 3 I itched everywhere so bad my 2nd one was the worst I scratched my face open and it bled it was so bad . My first was an emergency and the only things I remember was feeling the right side cut and then when I got in the room telling my mom I felt that . My second I was so numb it was like when ur so tired but ur functioning but u can’t remember doing anything . My 3rd I remember getting sick , seeing her on my face and then being in the recovery room and every time I woke up my husband was holding her . My 4th I remember everything and laughing

I remember it all for the bits I was awake. By the time I had my emergency c section I had been awake for over 48 hours. I was soo tired. My waters had leaked and so I knew I was going in for an induction so I hadn't slept the night before going to hospital (no beds so they didn't admit me when they confirmed my waters had leaked) I was never alone though. My husband stayed by my side for the 3 days I was in. He only left to go and get food

I’m the same with my emergency one. I had been awake and in labour for nearly 24 hours and pumped with soooo many drugs so was absolutely exhausted - I fell asleep being sewn back up and woke up in recovery confused 🤣 I then held my baby for a while, gave her back to my husband and fell back to sleep, woke up on the ward a couple of hours later! That’s when I started to feel a bit more with it. I think it’s the tiredness of labouring first on no sleep that wiped me out!

Yea I just had my 3rd baby via elective and I wasn’t any different from what I was before I had it. The only thing that then hits is the tiredness but other than that I was fine. I felt the way you are describing with my induction birth and I got a jag of pethidine I think it’s called did you get that at all? I don’t remember just about anything from when my son was born and all the bits like weighing him getting ready etc there’s random bits I do but not much. My second was natural drug free labour and I remember it all xx

@Hayley I have no idea all I know was that I was begging for an epidural and then I was wheeled down to theatre so I have no idea if I had a certain drug or not 🥴😅 I’m just putting it down to being absolutely shattered through the labour I had and then major surgery and that’s how my body reacts after it🫠xx

@Laura (Lor) I know that sickness came over me all of a sudden, I was fine the whole way through then I had my toast and thought oh lord 😂🤯 hoping you have a positive experience too ✨x

@Rachael bless you girl! But thank you soo much!!💛x

tbh, after my elective c-section, I was pretty out of it too, like I remember bits and pieces but mostly felt super groggy and just wanted to sleep! 😅 this is what the 'Heal Baby Care App' mentioned… hope it helps! "It's quite common for women to feel groggy or disoriented after a C-section, especially if it was an emergency procedure following a long labor. The medications used during and after surgery, including pain relief and anesthesia, can contribute to that feeling of being "out of it." Many women report similar experiences, where they are in and out of sleep during the recovery period. Elective C-sections might allow for a more controlled environment, but individual experiences can vary widely. How did you feel about your recovery process overall?"

@Susan thank you for this! Definitely makes a lot of sense!

I had a planned c-section and I became sleepy and confused at some point when they were stitching me up. Everything became very blurry after that for a few hours. I remember that I didn't want to hold the baby in the recovery room because I was afraid I'd drop him due to being too sleepy. I was told it could be either the pain medication or a medication against nausea (that I got at some point because I thought I might throw up) that causes this. Either way, it's perfectly normal but it can happen with a planned c-section as well as an emergency one. With a planned one, you could have more time to discuss medication with the anesthesiologist and maybe try to avoid this side effect.

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