In a different boat, battling embryo loss and miscarriage, but in the same water as you. IVF is so hard!! But remember, you can do hard things 🤍 this process is mentally draining, it wears you down and if you already struggle with depression or anxiety the hormones and drugs can make it so much worse. I struggled a lot when going through my retrieval so you aren’t alone there! Finding something for yourself to do, read a book, yoga, video games, anything to keep you going is helpful. Remember, it’s not forever! I’m here if you wanna chat xx
Sorry you're feeling low. I don't have any advice I'm afraid but I can hopefully offer support. I have just started my stims yesterday also higher dose so no side effects yet but just this cycle in general I feel so exhausted before I've started. I was feeling positive until it's come around and now I just feel drained with having to manage it alongside work and life again. My sister in law also announced her pregnancy with the due date of the month we would be if our last ivf cycle worked and since then I've just struggled to get back up again. Here if you need to chat 🥰
Absolutely not weak at all! IVF and fertility is ROUGH so you are doing amazing for going through it! I went through IVF last summer and still too this day I’m not sure I can go through it again because of how hard I found it! No recommendations but if you ever want to chat my inbox is always open❤️
Molly, you are not being weak! You are being human! IVF is hard, mentally and physically, especially when you do multiple rounds. It's hard, and you are doing it. I joined a support group and was seeing a perinatal therapist when I was doing IVF, and during pregnancy. It helped me tremendously to talk about the process and my feelings with professionals and friends. I was very open about it and was lucky to have people supporting me. Meet up for coffee and walks. I tried to stay busy, especially during waiting periods, and I got really into diamond art. Diamond art kept my hands and mind busy. Keeping your hands busy helps. If you need to talk, message me. This is hard, and you are doing it. Give yourself some love and grace.