@Reena sorry but she’s 8 weeks old…
I’d be a little concerned, babies should be having wet nappies day and night. She’s very little to be holding in her body functions 😳
This happened with my bub but only when she was ready to stop her nappies and toilet training. She was ready but I was just scared she'd have an accident overnight. When she told me she didn't need anymore I let her and she was alright. I didn't know such little ones could do this.
@Reena hmm okay, each to their own but I wouldn’t be encouraging a baby of that age to potty train.. they need to learn to sit, crawl and walk/talk before any of this
@Reena it’s a “parenting style” not development… a baby without a wet nappy over night is a health concern at that age!
@Jess exactly 👍🏻
It depends on how many nappies constitutes the description of “plenty” during the day though. I wouldn’t be taking that at face value - would want to know how many nappies are wet in the daytime before deciding that there’s nothing to be concerned about at only 8 weeks old. There’s insufficient information to just not be concerned. If overnight all dry nappies means 12 or so hours with dry nappies, there further information and consideration is definitely needed.
Absolutely my baby is 2 months old so at night she never poo and sometimes the dipper is clean until morning