Also it’s SO HARD to pump enough when I’m also breastfeeding her that day— the only days I get a good amount are days I’m away for a couple hours ☹️
Sometimes what you are pumping isn't exactly the amount your baby is actually taking in, she probably takes in more than you pump out. If you are able to always feed on demand and in shorter periods than 3 hours...
@Megan she eats around every 3 to 4 hours but even if I am away for a while it still doesn’t seem like I am getting much milk
Also def recommend getting fitted for your pump if you think it might be that! I met with a lactation person just to make sure and it ended up getting me WAY more milk and it was covered by my insurance.
Yea definitely going to try that
@Kameron yeah breastfeeding and keeping up your supply is all about supply and demand! If you're able to shorten the period of nursing or pumping , I'd try that! Plus stay hydrated and eat! It's not easy mama, you're doing great! I agree about getting your flange sized too. I liked adding mineral drops to my water, seemed to help a lot
My milk supply has gone down a bit after returning to work and I tried go-lacta moringa capsules and they’ve helped me a lot. I buy online but I think they might be at Walmart too.