What toothpaste are you using for your little one?

I use the Weleda baby toothpaste currently. My son is great at letting me brush his teeth and lets me do a thorough brush twice a day, yet I’ve noticed he has bad plague on his bottom teeth 🥴 what toothpaste are you ladies using?
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Aqua fresh milk teeth 0-2, will be going onto the next age once the tube is used

She just uses the same toothpaste we use 😅 (it’s fine via the NHS from any age). We stopped bothering with baby toothpaste around 13 months and she’s been fine. We use a rice grain amount to reduce the risk of too much fluoride though.

We use Aloe dent fluoride free toothpaste. But will be switching to a fluoride one as soon as he doesn't swallow it all 😂 It's been fine for his teeth though

Punch & Judy from amazon :) we used to use elemex and noticed cavity on top teeth's and been advised by other parent to change to Punch & Judy and it worked! Within 1 week his teeth's are back to normal :) (also his dentist recommended to change his toothpastes after the tub is finished as teeth's are getting used to the same toothpaste)

Thank you ladies!

Boots own brand 0-2. Really cleans, smells minty and her teeth actually look brighter after brushing . Very pleased..

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