Elective C section

Hey mamas just wondering if anyone has opted for elective c section for first baby or has had it before and what’s the experience like. Also if anyone has had a water birth how was it. I really don’t want to push and everyone who’s been giving me advice have no babies and l really don’t want to take it as l would prefer someone who been there or know about it x
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I also am really leaning towards elective c section, I brought it up to my midwife at the 24 week appointment, she didn’t give her opinion but she referred me to birth choice clinic. I’m trying to keep an open mind in case they are really against me having a c section as I don’t have a medical reason. This is my first baby and some friends I’ve spoken to recently 4 out of 5 of them ended in an emergency c section which scares me the most! I’m trying to go with the flow 😂

@Laura lm the same like l will be more anxious and unprepared if o have to go through emergency c section as l heard a lot of people talking about how fast it can be compared to electric you more prepared and know what’s going on

Really I’m not sure why you think an elective c section would necessarily be better for your first birth if you don’t have a medical reason. However, it’s your body so you should have autonomy of choice. My only advice to everyone is always educate yourself (not on other people’s experience!) by downloading something such as the positive birth company pack. Whilst called hypo birthing it highly advocates for women’s choice and educates you on how labour progresses which will help you make an informed decision. Don’t let other people’s experience put you off, everyone experiences things differently.

I’m such an anxious person when it comes to anything medical, I’m terrified of checks up at the dentist, let alone birth 😂 so I just feel like any emergency situation I won’t handle very well. But I guess you really can’t plan for any birth unless they allow you to have a c section 🤞🏻

@Chrissy I have paid for a hypno birthing pack and also am starting classes end of the month as I really want to try and be calm and keep open minded. I feel like so far hypno birthing isn’t having the same effect on me as it does for some other people, as it looks amazing but it would be nice to have the option of a c section too!

@Chrissy my blood pressure has been up a lot and had other things going on and thinking about the whole thing just freaking me out and l don’t want to end up having panic attacks in an event of an emergency c section

I’m having one, for no other reason than that’s what I want. My midwife/doctor is absolutely fine with it, it’s your choice if you want one they can’t say no.

@Rosie good to hear they reacted well to it, nervous to bring it up again but that’s reassuring.

@Laura don’t be nervous, it’s completely your choice. They do of course advise on the risks etc but in no way was I made to feel like I was doing the wrong thing.

I spoke to my midwife and she said she will refer me to consultant to discuss my options they usually fine with your choice unless there is other risks

I don't want to be 'that person's but please please educate yourself on physiological birth and positive birth stories before you opt for a section. If you have a natural birth, with no intervention, you're unlikely to need an emergency cesarean. Once you have one intervention (even a sweep) that can cause a cascade of intervention, often ending in an emergency cesarean. I had a natural birth with my first, home birth, 9lbs, no pain relief; it was lovely. A cesarean is major surgery and the recovery is not easy, especially when looking after a newborn. It is completely your choice and you've got to choose what's right for you but think about it xx

Not quite what you asked, but I had an emergency Section with my 1st, and I’m aiming for VBAC with my 2nd. Ultimately it’s your choice, you are as much entitled to ask for a Section as a 2nd/7th/27th time birther, however medical staff will advise you on the risks of all options.

I’ve had a vaginal delivery and a section and I would never choose to have a section. I had placenta previa with my second and a section was the only safe way to deliver him. Personally I didn’t feel any end to the pregnancy with the section. I was pregnant and then I wasn’t. I know you can say the exact same thing about a vaginal delivery but for me actually going through the birthing process felt like a huge achievement. All births are valid and however you bring your baby into the world will be amazing but for me I will never be able to put into words the moment of pushing my daughter out. My point of view is definitely tainted by the fact my section was at 36 weeks and my son had difficulties and had to be resuscitated and then taken straight to NICU so I didn’t get to hold him or be with him. Also seeing other babies in the NICU who were delivered at the 39 week make as elective sections and didn’t transition so needed a lot of extra help that they wouldn’t have needed if they’d

Been left to go into labour and be born vaginally really put me off making that choice personally. It’s so different for everyone though. I have friends that would always opt for sections and found their experience as special as I found my vaginal birth x

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