There are a few things to look at here. #1. Do you have a history of SA and potentially being triggered. #2. Has he been SA and you don’t know (that would depend on how exactly he was acting and would need addressed with a professional) #3. Look at you and sister in a way he shouldn’t. What exactly does this mean? Are you open with him about body parts? Does he know what they are. This could be curiosity (which is normal for this age). Being open and teaching in a loving (not shameful way) is extremely important. Using proper names for body parts and explaining what is inappropriate. #4. Touching himself and exploring himself is appropriate. Just letting him know that he is to do that in private and with clean hands. It’s all about taking the shame out of it and being informative, trusting, and loving. Some of these things he’s doing could be normal, but would hurt to grab the book called “my body belongs to me” and read it with him.
Is this a troll post? What does it even mean he looks at his sister in a way he shouldn’t?
I dont think a mom would troll with an issue like this. If she thinks he is looking at her baby sister in an inappropriate way, it is because she sees it and feels it. She is looking for guidance and I am sure she wants to avoid anything bad happening to any of her children
@Mary his friend that is actually a lil older introduced him to watching inappropriate things on YouTube but even before that he has always been curious and just does things that’s inappropriate
@Holly so neither of us has been SA but just when I change her diaper he always has to look or when I’m breastfeeding, tried to look under my dress etc. I’ve been teaching him about body parts and privates and a young age so he knows what is what and where not to touch
@Mary yes, I want to avoid anything bad happening and I understand looking to be curious but my main concern is that he has seen so inappropriate stuff on YouTube that he secretly searches them with him looking at his sister it just triggers me that he is being very inappropriate
@Holly he does understand that it’s he’s body and only him can touch. He Dosent even like when mom dad or sister is in the room when he changes. He is big on privacy when it comes to his self but when it’s mom or sister he try to peak when we are taking a bath, in the bathroom, etc.
I get it, i really do. He and even you need help to navigate that situation. Seeing or experiencing things that you brain cannot process as a child, has longlasting consequences. If you can. Block all access to youtube and set the parental controls for internet in general. But please dont skip the professional help. I read somewhere that if a kid is 2 years older than the other kid (your son), it is considered SA.
My son is 7 and is always touching it or wants me to look at it, not sexually, just for a reaction. My son has ADHD and is quite impulsive. Keep in mind, he doesn't know what is right from wrong. Tell him without shaming. To me it's attention seeking behavior. Kids communicate through behaviors. Doing something he is not supposed to do is sure to get your attention. Don't yell, just firmly say "I don't want to see your privates."
@Mary thank you. The kid is like a year older and they are in the same grade. I have blocked all YouTube usage and he is only allowed to watch certain things in the family room with parents. Since I have started blocking everything things are a lil better. He still try to sneak and do it as well as take his clothes off but I caught him
@Lauren I agrees. Mom and dad has also been having some issues so that could be it but the things is I have talked to him calmly many times but he still just choose to be sneaky so at this point I just get upset because he knows right from wrong but chooses to do wrong and stuff behind my back. I ask why he do it and he says he likes naked girls which isn’t completely wrong because he is a male but he is just too young
@Gemini very weird you see this as a troll post……but this post might educate for yourself. To incognito, consider seeing see a child psychologist. A play therapist. Pediatrician. Here my speculation (with medical background just a moms take) as to why this is happening: -The child may have been exposed to sexual material (e.g., pornography, TV shows, or conversations) that is beyond their developmental level. -They might be mimicking behaviors they have seen in adults, older children, or media without understanding their meaning. -Some children may explore behaviors as a way of seeking attention or testing limits, especially if they do not fully grasp what is appropriate. - Certain conditions (such as impulse control disorders or trauma-related conditions) may contribute to inappropriate sexual behaviors. -One of the most serious concerns is that the child may have been sexually abused.
Other suggestions when tacking this situation: Avoid shaming the child but take note of specific behaviors, patterns, and triggers. This can also be shared with any specialist you choose to see In a safe and non-judgmental way, ask open-ended questions about where they learned the behavior. I would also avoid over sharing this information with friends and family. Because if it is abuse it best to not tip anyone off with suspicion on your end. I would seek a therapist for yourself as you navigate this journey. It might be emotionally draining. In my opinion it’s always best to talk to all those professionals. If it turns out to be “nothing” more than early stage puberty than at least you know and can still have the talk with your child. But I would heavily investigate if this was my situation. I wish you the best of luck mama.
@S. annalese thank you. I’m hoping he would just grow out of it but if continues and/or gets worst then I am definitely seeking help. He does it when he is left alone and bored and figured he’s not being watched. Mom and dad have been having some issues so that could be it. His friend that’s a lil older than him but in the same grade introduced him to and showed him how to look up naked girl videos but even before, he has always had some sense of being inappropriate and curious. When he was about 1 years old he ran off at the video store into the porn section so could that be liked to what’s happening now?
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To an extent it's normal but my son is the same age but he has not ever been exposed to anything sexual. I'd definitely look into the other kids around him or find out if he's been exposed to pornography and look into his teachers or other adults around him. Definitely have him see a therapist asap
@Morgan yeah. There’s a friend they exposed him to that stuff and how to search on YouTube
He would probably not grow out of it. I went through a similar situation as a kid. Also watching things i couldnt understand. And only as an adult, with therapy, I understood all the repercusion of what happened. Maybe he would behave normallly but he wont forget about what he has seen.
@Mary at one point in his Life watching naked girls is going to become normal but as of now, he is way too young so as of now, that’s the only behavioral issue…searching on YouTube
I'm sorry to hear that. I'd take him to a therapist and try to get him occupied with other things asap. Pornography especially this young will consume his life. We see it a lot of therapy and in the foster system- it's very consuming and prayer can help his little heart.
I would talk to his pediatritian. He would probably be reffered to a psychologist. It is probable that your son has had any contact with this inappropriate things. Kids at this age mimick behaviors that their mind cannot process. If it is related with sexual content, place parental restrictions on your internet and devices, but definately talk to his doctor as soon as you can.