All I can say is you are not alone! I’m also co-sleeping, dreaming of better rest for everyone in my family 🥲
did she ever like being swaddled? does she sleep in a sleeping bag? x
Yes I’m in same boat, to give myself some downtime I give her a bottle at 7pm and she will sleep until 10pm and that’s when I sleep downstairs on the sofa. I try and nap during one contact nap during the day. I have 3 and they have been the same with feeding, so when my 7month old was born I started with one bottle from birth. The other two I really struggled getting them on bottle I waited till 8months and I couldn’t give them it because they could smell me so my husband fed them the formula in the evening. I don’t know if that helps xxx
I'm the same here, no advice but just to say I accepted it for what it is. I consciously decided not to sleep train as there isn't enough high quality research done to firmly support it. I get support from my partner during the day so I can sleep and also learnt to sleep through my LB babbling and being noisy in his bed. E.g this morning he woke up at 6:20 and I left him to do his thing and fell asleep for 1.5hrs. when I woke up he was still happily babbling away and wriggling about (I took everything out of his cot bed before leaving him to it).
Co-sleeping is a saviour! Doesn’t necessarily improve sleep/ waking but does help you get more rest and mean you’re not constantly up and down in the night. Enlisting your partners help so you can lie in/ nap on weekends to catch up on sleep . It’s not forever, they do eventually sleep longer stretches when they’re ready. I always remind myself how lucky I am to have a baby who wakes and reframing it like that really helped! They grow so fast, enjoy the late night snuggles and take extra sleep where you can x
It’s so hard having little ones. I used to get really upset about my first baby only wanting to sleep on or next to us (cosleeping/bedsharing). We were adamant before she arrived that we wouldn’t bed share - but we looked up the safe 7 rules and it honestly saved us. Our first baby is now 4.5 and sleeps like a teenager! I would never have believed it if you’d told me when she was really little. I was convinced she’d just never sleep on her own 🙈☺️ We now have a second baby who starts the night in her floorbed and then comes in with us when she wakes up. Started with the floor bed when she was maybe 9-10 months old I think. Look up Lyndsey Hookway - she absolutely saved my sanity and helped me to relax into things. Stressing only makes things more difficult. They all get there in the end ❤️
No advice, only to say that I’m the same. We’re co sleeping because I was not getting any sleep and it was driving me insane!