What time do your September babies go down for the night?

Our little one doesn’t go down until between 10pm and 11pm and sleeps through between 9 and 10 hours (has done since 8 weeks old) but I feel like we’re in the minority with a late bedtime
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I definitely find it to be the minority too! The earliest I put my girl down is around 10:30pm - then she goes through til 8-9am and has done since around 10 weeks old too xx

@Aimee I just feel he’s not ready to go down before then. Also not sure about you but my husband isn’t home until 6pm most nights and wants to spend time with him too. X

My little one has her last feed around 19:30, and goes down between 20:30-21:00, she then sleeps through until 08:00-09:00. I’d do whatever works best for you!xx

Clocks are going forwards soon so I’ll be in the 9pm club then🤣good luck to us all 🥴🤣x

10-11pm-9:30/10am. I’m grateful for it as I can’t sleep until around 1am, so I can’t think of anything worse than to be forced up by 6. I’ve read on another post that they may gradually transition after 1yr, or that loads of people say it’s stuck with them into toddler hood and it just worked for their family.

Same here. Definitely in the late category. LO doesn’t sleep until we do

I’m glad there are others in the same position. We’re happy with it and it works really well for us. I also don’t want to be up at 6am if it can be avoided as well as I’m not a great sleeper either 😂

That was our baby three weeks ago and we used the napper app to bring his bedtime earlier and now he goes down between 8.15-9pm 🙌🏼 he also sleeps longer at night that way somehow! But if it works for you that your baby goes down late I don’t see a problem with it!

My little boy goes to bed when me and his dad do and this works perfectly for us, we usually end up in bed 10pm-11pm and he’ll wake up at something past 8 in the morning every time x

My baby used to go to bed at the same time as us. Like 10ish. People kept telling me ‘you need to get him in a routine’ ‘he should be in bed for 7pm’. He was around 3 months at this point. We tried it one night and it took 2 hours to get him down and we pretty much missed the whole night. He wasn’t ready and we were forcing it. The next week he was ready and now he goes to bed every night between 7 and 8. You will know when they are ready. Do what is best for you and don’t worry what other people think x

Sounds like the slightly later bedtime is working for you and baby, I'd just keep doing what you're doing. You might find as baby gets a bit older they may need an earlier bedtime, since turning 6 months my little boy definitely needed an earlier bedtime so I start bedtime between 6 and 7 but he's usually up 3 - 4 times after that.

Yeah it absolutely works for us and we’re defo not changing it unless he shows that he needs to go down earlier. I was just intrigued to see if any others done the same as all I’ve seen is people putting their 6 month olds down at 6pm / 7pm x

I definitely don’t think it’s a routine thing at all, if I wanted to put my girl down for 6-7pm I could, but I’d be saying goodbye to my sleep 😂 because then she would be up around 4am/5am - which totally works for some - not me, because I don’t go to sleep myself until after 11pm myself! You’re not alone xx

My baby girl goes for a bath at or just after 7 and bed straight after between 7:30 and 8. Has done since 3 weeks old and has a very settled night routine

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