I did a lot of singing, some talking, but I felt more comfortable singing. You could read aloud from one of your books. You could try the light trick, moving a light across your belly to "play" with them, or just touching and seeing if it gets them kicking. It might feel a little one-sided but that's okay - just hearing your voice, feeling your heartbeat and body rhythms is comforting to them in utero.
Praying for and over my baby. 🥹
I try to read to baby, I play songs that are special to me, and I plan to start singing a short lullaby to him once I get my voice back. I’m hoping when he is upset after being born I can do/play those things to help calm him
It was hard for me to feel a huge bond with my first born because everything was so new and I was kind of clueless. This time, I kind of realize how their personalities show while in the womb, so I tie that to how they act in there. It can be funny sometimes. I call him by his name, and talk to him as if he's already out, and I just rub my belly when I feel him move. Sometimes I'll lightly drum my fingers where he kicks, and it makes him jump and move back, then after a pause he comes back and kicks again and I drum again. It's funny. After that I'll just rub. I will say, with my first born I heard playing a certain song a lot around your belly can create a comfort to that song after they're born, and it was totally true with my first born. When he was old enough to kind of talk and recognize things, I played it and he went completely quiet and almost cried. He looked like he knew the song
This popped up in my main page, I'm not pregnant, but I have two kids and I never felt bonded to them before they were born. Of course I knew I loved them and couldn't wait to hold them, but for me, that bond didn't come till after birth. So don't feel guilty if you're not feeling totally bonded!