I had the balloon induction twice and it was the best induction and labours I’ve had and will be having the same for my 4th baby in 3 weeks if he doesn’t arrive. What’s makes you worried about it? Xx
@Lydia I had the balloon fitted yesterday and it was fine going in after all, the contractions after were a killer! Tens machine worked like a dream though. How did the rods go? I get the balloon out shortly so hopefully it’s done what it needed to do
@Kay-louise I was just worried about it going in but it was totally manageable apart from the pain after, did your balloon fall out on its own and cause labour or did you have other methods after? X
I was induced yesterday and I had the diylapan rods put in. Which was interesting. I'm awaiting to see if it's worked or not. I have done a bit of research into the ballot but not too sure on how it works. When u go in for induction ask they questions about it and I'm sure they will be happy to tell you about it and the process. If ur worried though I would Google it or ring up your midwife and ask them for advice