4 month sleep regression was definitely worse for us. Co-sleeping helped us With regressions. I breastfeed and so often co-sleep. And as regression passes, he goes back to bassinet.
Sleep longer? Make them stay up a little longer? Maybe I didn't get the regression because I wouldn't call it regression. I don't even understand what that means. My baby has her fussy nights when it seems nothing will work. I just keep trying and eventually something has worked. I only "try" to sleep for 10 mins if after 10 baby doesn't show sleepy cues we move on. Also For us it's co sleeping. We only have dream feeds and our sleep cycles are connected.
🤞🏼 we haven’t had a six month regression (yet at least). I found being very consistent with day time naps helpful and making sure he got enough food in the day time. Since starting solids he’s been sleeping 7-8hours, up for 1 feed (under 15 minutes) and then another 3-4 hours. The 4m sleep regression almost KILLED us all. I don’t know how we survived.