
How many attempts did it take you to get enough to collect? I’ve been leaking tiny drops in my bra for weeks. I’ve been trying to harvest some these last two days and I’m getting nothing or just enough to appear at the end of my nipple - not enough to syringe ☹️
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How are you attempting to harvest? It is quite a specific motion and pressure you need to do and can take a few mins for any to appear. I find it's so much easier after having a warm shower/bath or warm compresses on them before trying. I really struggled when I did it my first pregnancy but keep trying hun and you'll get there. I find using these are easier than syringes and it's also safer to then give baby after too... I tried last night (I'm 36+4w) and only managed 2mls after about an hour of trying so it can take a while, just have to be patient hun

Thank you. I find I get a little sore after about ten mins or so, maybe I’m doing it wrong. I might have to ask my midwife next week xx

@Amy definitely shouldn’t be sore, have a look at some tutorial videos to get a better understanding and make sure you’re doing it right as you don’t want to be hurting yourself xx

You should be gentle but firm, but if your sore your applying too much pressure. There's some good advice online on how to do it, my friend really struggled and needed her partner to help with the syringe side of things

I found this video really helpful I also found I didn't get anything for the first 2-3 days and then it suddenly happened

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