My 4 week old will only nap on me during the day but sleeps well in moses basket at night. I feel you with not being able to do things.
Yes exactly the same. 5 weeks now and I spend my day rocking on a ball 😂 started about 4 weeks for us xx
@Megan thank you, i did mention this to my partner so i will try it. Makes things harder in terms of getting showered and ready etc but equally we never contact nap and so maybe it will be nice for us both to do so! He is only little once x
@Ellie yoga ball? Maybe i’ll get mine back out! I also have a sling that i could try… just worried my back may give way after carrying him for hours 🤣
My baby is refusing to sleep any longer than 20 minutes except between 10pm-1am 🤦🏽♀️ I was very lucky with my first
My 4.5 week old is doing this starting this week, we thought he was being rely tricky but he was getting overtired because I hadn’t seen his sleep cues and he stopped falling asleep at the end of a feed. He’s definitely got more alert and it almost feels like he has FOMO all the time. I’ve spent the last few days putting him in his sling when he needs a nap during the day, he’s constantly on me but st least he’s asleep, it’s quicker than rocking him without it!
Yes experiencing the same (same age too) but do not have a solution yet. Tried taking her for a walk (1 hour) and she slept well but as soon as I approached home after said walk she was wide awake again 🙃 Now will try the carrier and a sleeping aid/white noise machine.
My little one, just over 2 weeks old now over the last few days will only nap during the day if it's on me or someone else. He may just really want to contact nap for a bit?