From experience, a&e won't scan you. They only do bloods and refer you to early pregnancy unit. Fingers crossed all is well for you
I'd wait until the Tuesday, I don't think they would be able to anything in if it did go south to prevent it. But of course I could be wrong, maybe ring 111? I had bleeding at 8 weeks and I had to wait all weekend until Monday, proved to be only haematoma, it was awful, sending prayers your way x
I had bleeding at 7 weeks and they scanned me I called the pregnancy assessment unit at my hospital and they told me to call gynaecology and they was so lovely and scanned me to re assure me I hope all goes well for you xx
I would just go A&E. Just for your peace of mind at least you know you’ve done everything you can to protect yourself and baby. If they don’t scan you at least they have you booked in on Tuesday… hope everything is okay.
Sad to say it wasn’t meant to be for me this time 💔
Go to A&E they could help get you some answers as to what is going on . Fingers crossed all is OK