No advice but my 13 month old is exactly the same. Screams every time I try to put them on his feet! I was thinking of trying the socks with soles first, to see if that helps.
Try stand him up when doing it. Push his heel In as much as you can then get him to put weight on that foot so it fully slides in then do them up x
My little girl was exactly the same. The only way I managed to get around it was I put the shoes on when she was in the pram, so she was distracted and not expected to walk on them. I did it a few times, also when in the trolley etc. I left the shoes around near her toys and she would pick them up and I'd try be super positive like "oh you want them on", put them on and then if she started being distressed say "ok all done" and take them off. It turned into a bit of a game but she now confidently walks in them and brings me her shoes over when she wants them on x
Barefootbrit on Instagram is great! Avoid anything hard soled - no child (or adult!!) needs structured and solid soled shoes, despite what all the marketing tells us. You can get great barefoot friendly shoes on Amazon for around £15. You’ll notice a huge difference in how your baby walks, moves and balances in a barefoot shoe vs a hard soled shoe. The key thing to look for is a wide toe box and fully bendable sole.
No advice but I’m the same. Went and spent £40 on new shoes for him and he cries when I put them on and won’t walk in them. So I’ve ordered 2 cheap pairs of softer sole ones to see if he will wear them then hopefully he will move to the proper ones