My LO is 9 weeks, we’ll sometimes get 3/4 hour stretches but more commonly he’s up every 60-90 mins. He feeds each time sometimes it’s for 2/3 mins and sometimes an hour. No idea how much he’s taking though as he’s BF
Ours has a bedtime around 8pm, sleeps 5-6hours to around 2am, then does another couple of hours (sometimes needs resettling somewhere in the middle) which takes us through to about 5am. From there I try and get another hour out of her but usually by 6am she wants to sleep but will only contact sleep so either me or her Dad will take her down to cuddle and watch breakfast TV. She has about 4-5oz every 3-4 hours but tends to eat more in the evening (sometimes she’ll have 7oz in a short timeframe before bed!) We’re still winging it at this point and letting her lead - no fixed schedule.
My boy is 11 weeks, he’s breast fed and he now has last feed at 10pm, down to sleep between 10:30 and 11pm and wakes up between 8&9am
Between 9/10 hours of sleep at night, my LG is 14 weeks. She has five bottles of 6oz, occasionally has a few 7ozs in the day. Varies between 26-32oz really ☺️ xx
12 weeks. Sleeping 4 hours at a time at night on a good day eg 10-2 230-630
Mine will be 12 weeks old on Thursday and he sleeps from around 8.30-9pm-6.30am he has x5 6-7oz bottles throughout the day usually around every 3 hours
We’re at 10 weeks and normally goes down around 9 or so, wakes sometime between 1am and 2am, then again around 5am and up for the day at around 7.30am. We’re normally up for about 30 minutes for each feed, but he’s only actively feeding for maybe 10 minutes at the very most
14 weeks - night sleep is 7.30-7ish and will wake to feed back to sleep anywhere from 3 to 6 times within that! This is with breastfeeding and cosleeping (otherwise it's waking every 30 minutes in the crib 😬)
12 weeks Sleeps from 19:30 to 5:30 He has 6oz 4/5 times a day...although sometimes he has more
14 weeks - down for bed around 7pm and sleeps sometimes till 3-4am and then feeds and back down until 7am. Sometimes she wakes up between 12-1 am for a feed some nights. She’s slept through the night on 3 occasions so far (7pm - 6:30am) During the day she has around 5 bottles of 5-6oz ☺️
My LG surprised us last night and slept from 11pm till 5:50am. First time she’s slept that long so not banking on it to happen again 😂 usually she’s on 3/4oz every 4 hours. We always offer 4 but sometimes she doesn’t want it all. She’s 10 weeks 🩷