If your water didn’t break with your first (spontaneous labour) did it break for your second?

Il every pregnancy is different just curious about others experiences
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My water did break with my first and didn't with my second.

Induced at 40+5 with my first. Water broke at 39+6 with my second

Induced with my first. My second baby my waters broke as I was pushing

My water broke for my first nd had to be broken for my second

My waters broke at home with my first, with my second, they didn't break until he was coming out!

I was induced with my first and my water had to be broken. With my second I went into labor 3 weeks early and my water wouldn't break. They said it's pretty common if you had it broke then first time it needs broke the second time.

1st pregnancy my waters broke as she was crowning, 2nd pregnancy they broke my waters at around 4cms dilated x

Didn’t break with my first. Been leaking since 26 weeks with my second which now has me hospitalized for the remainder of my pregnancy. I’m almost week 28.

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