I wouldn’t like it, when we’ve had a toddler wanting to come in the night he goes downstairs on the couch and it feels really weird tbh
i wouldn’t want separate bedrooms, it would be nice to have my own room/private space but i enjoy having a spared space with him too
I don’t think I would like it personally but my Mum and her partner sleep in separate rooms and my Grandparents have for decades, if you get poor sleep by sleeping next to them then you might as well do the sleeping bit separate.
@Lisa my grandparents slept in separate rooms my whole life. they were married for 50+ years, my grandmother could not stand his snoring. it was so normal to see that growing up.
My husband sleeps separately to me. He likes light and noise, I like pitch black and silence. Just works better for us and we both get a good nights sleep.
My husband currently sleeps on the couch mostly just on work nights so he doesn’t wake me at 5-6 am with his annoying alarms. Hoping that’ll change soon once he’s been on the same schedule for awhile and not so noisy when he gets up
We sleep separately currently as he sleeps with the 3 year old and I sleep with the baby. But I’m hoping this won’t be forever 😅
i think that there can be stigma surrounding sleeping separately but ive been reading up on it and studies show that there can be benefits to it:
better quality of sleep, increased intimacy, enhanced communication, etc. interesting really.
My oh works away all week so obviously separate beds Sunday night to Thursday night then we share a bed Friday night and Saturday night when he is home 😂. I have to admit his snoring does annoy me when he is here because I’m not used to it.
I'd love a separate bed tbf, my partner comes to bed at stupid o'clock after gaming and wakes me up every single night🥲 plus I LOVE to starfish, I'm 5'11 and my man is 6' so we don't have much room in the bed.. especially when the baby is in with us🤣
My husband and I have separate rooms, and we sometimes sleep in each other’s rooms. I sleep in my king bed with my baby and tried sleeping with him but he just moves way too much lol plus we both have so much clothes and stuff and want to decorate our own space. I love it.
My BD snores like a monster. All night. I’ve tried wax earplugs, silicone earplugs, I’ve even had to sleep with AirPods in playing my music pretty loud. I’m convinced he has sleep apnea bc he will jump out of his sleep making a loud ass snoring sound and wake himself up. Before baby I would stay awake until 5am when he got up for work and then finally sleep when he left, it was miserable. When my son was born I was slapping him awake every 2 minutes. He had to go to the guest room. We’re not together anymore but I think if I was in love and had a partner again that snored like that, separate beds would be the only way to save the relationship. But with previous partners that didn’t snore no I would be so hurt sleeping apart lol.
Honestly, my husband snores & having a spare bedroom has saved my sleep numerous times. 🤣
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I would love separate rooms 🙏 I hate sleeping with someone, I’m a very light sleeper, and he is a noisy snorer. I don’t see the issue
My husband is a really light sleeper and struggles to get back to sleep when he wakes. His mental health is impacted if his sleep becomes really bad. I on the other hand am a violent sleeper and have been told that I have excellent aim when it comes to kicking his kidneys or whacking him around the head. He also snores to the point it wakes me… I used to wear earplugs but can’t now that I have to listen out for the children. I’d love to have my own room for both of our sakes. Instead I sleep on the floor of the baby’s room.
This is my dream, one day when we have a spare room. I think it would be very beneficial for us. I currently sleep on the bottom bunk in my son’s room.
I’d enjoy a separate bed ! Always sleep better on my own x
We slept separately for a while before I got a cpap for my sleep apnoea. It was fine at the time but now we share a bed again I do much prefer being together.
We sleep in different rooms because like Korissa, my partner snores like a monster all night and nothing we’ve tried helps. I’m so used to it now, I don’t think I could ever go back 🙈 I love having my own space
I prefer sleeping with my husband however I like the option of a spare bedroom for when one of us is ill
No cuz I use him to stay warm hehe
Depends on the situation. My husband and I usually share the bed. However I am waking up every 4 hours at night to feed our three month old(on the smaller side and nurse suggests more feeds) my husband needs the good nights sleep to look after our toddler the next day. Or even get up to her at night.
My grandparents had separate beds. We have separate blankets 😂
I hate when my husband is away for work and I have to sleep alone. I miss him too much. Sleeping separate wouldn’t work for us.
I personally know more couples who sleep separately than together.
Ive heard of separating when one partner cant sleep through the others snoring or a child that co-sleeps and wakes up a lot but other than that I wouldn’t
Unless you’re elderly and done having sex same bed same room. My grandparents switched to side by side twin beds once they got older and decided they sleep better separately
@Kourtney lol relax. no one said you cant fuck just because youre in different rooms/beds.
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@Violeta💘 no need to be rude, the poll asked for an opinion…
@Kourtney oh sorry, but yeah... I don't think separate rooms/beds are restricted to senior couples.
At the moment we sleep separately with my husband because one of us always sleep with our baby and the other catch up some rest. It works perfectly for us and we don't care about not sleeping together. Our relationship actually got better this way. I used to be very angry at him because I could see him sleeping while being in bf trenches with our baby. The moment I stopped seeing him asleep I stopped hating him ahahahahhaha
“Snoring” is so easily fixed these days (if they wanted to) there are nose devices they can wear or get nose surgery if it’s apnoea and some waiting for surgery use a CPAP machine. I wanna be up and under my man in 19yrs we haven’t slept apart if he’s in the same house. The perks of not being single is to have someone to hug at night and I’m not going to take that for granted 😉 it works for others and that’s okay do what works for y’all. I couldn’t. The rare nights that I get angry at him and “pretend” to sleep on the couch he comes out and picks me up and brings me back in 😂
I cosleep with baby, so I’m very happy that my partner and I have separate rooms. Lol
I worked with a family who did this they each had a room and I thought it was odd and thought it was a Catholic thing for some reason lol
Just want to point out that snoring isn't always easily fixed 😂 we've tried many things and it's just impossible for my partner not to be rumbling the house at night. We currently use nose strips which help slightly, but I am absolutely dreading it when baby is here and I have to retire my earplugs as I rely on them heavily. He may be relegated to the couch a night or so a week just so I can get some sleep. I hate sleeping seperately but I do tend to sleep better. I don't think sleeping seperately is make or break for a relationship like some claim. You just need to make more time for one another or swith up your routine to incorporate a bit more intimacy. Eventually I hope to have a bigger house and extra room for a guest bedroom so we both have a space to stay if and when it's needed. But for now we'll manage how we are and play it by ear.
I personally wouldn’t like it. But to each their own! I have family members who have separate bedrooms.