Are you likely to be in cars much when you’re on holiday? If not honestly I wouldn’t bother! My son is 3 and has been on 12 flights and never took a car seat and never actually seen anyone with a car seat either!
You can buy bags on Amazon for them to go in, we got one for car seat and pram. I stuffed lots of other things in there too, like nappies and spare clothes. I think when we were flying you were allowed them on for free as long as your child was obviously with you and needed them but our little girl was 1.5 at the time so would defo check with the airline with that as you may have to pay a small fee. Added the link for the bag below. We just took the Graco slim fit car seat. Hope that helps.
If you're renting a car while over there, it's honestly not much extra at all for a car seat. And it's not required on public transport, most taxi companies abroad will also provide a car seat if requested. I wouldnt bother taking one honestly x
We will probably be using the car on a daily basis so a seat will be required. Thank you nikki for the link.
Isn’t there a company you can hire baby and toddler things from for holidays? I can’t remember the name and have never used them but they were on dragons den, might be worth a google.
Probably cheaper to hire one than buy a new one unless you plan on going on holiday a lot
@Sian are you hiring a car on holiday? You can hire a seat with the car. We hired a car in Spain with Enterprise and it only cost us €25 extra for a carseat for 5 days with the car. I didnt wanna take ours because it would of had to of gone through to the baggage hold with the suitcases and didn't want it getting damaged x
When we have rented a car abroad, we just ask for a car seT to be included doesnt cost that much extra and saves us the fuss of taking our car seat
Graco slim fit or joie stages