Milk still didn’t come in..

Second day postpartum and no milk. This is second baby, with my first I had milk immediately, but now it’s barely any milk no matter how much I squeeze or how much my baby sucks. Will milk come in at some point? Does anyone know the reason behind it..
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My milk didn't come in until about 4 -5 days after birth (I did have an emergency c-section) Hope this helps x

Mine didn’t come in till day 3/4, skin to skin will help and keep latching baby, sounds weird but smell your baby too, I saw a lactation consultant recommended that and feel it did actually help!

My milk didn't come in until day 3

Skin to Skin, latch as much as you can, stay hydrated, be patient. Milk can take a few days to come in. Also remember that your baby is better at getting milk out than you are.

You should have colostrum which is a lot smaller in volume. Your full milk supply won't come in until days 3-5, this is normal. My milk has come in on day 3 with both babies. Baby's tummy is only very small right now. The best thing you can do is to keep putting baby to breast and latching.

Typically it’s 3-5 days before transitional milk comes in. As others have said, the colostrum is perfectly sufficient for baby at this point. If you’ve had a C-section it can take a bit longer for your milk to come in as well. I’ve had two C-sections and with the first it took 5 days and this time 3 days.

You can try a pump, pump every 2-3 hrs…that’s what brought my milk in…took about 4 days

Mine took 3 days and that’s with a lot of skin to skin, latching baby and pumping after and manual expression Give it time, hydrate and relax! It’ll come 😊the first few days you just produce colostrum which is enough for baby - this is why they’re expected to lose some weight after birth 😊

Proper milk usually comes in at day 3-5, sometimes up to a week! It's quite unlikely your milk came in immediately with your first. Regardless, you'll have colostrum which is more than enough for baby!

@Caroline with my first I was already leaking before birth, and I felt the let down and engorgement not long after birth. It was enough to keep my baby full.

Thanks ladies, very helpful answers. I’ll try pumping, and hope it kicks in. My baby just has a big appetite so he’s constantly seeking milk.

Idk how to describe it other than it seemed like my nipples had scabbed over and I had a few milk blisters also for my second. But I used a lot of warm compresses in the shower for a few days which seemed to help get rid of the milk blisters and then it started to flow easier. Like if I squeezed the nipple I could see it was coming out of more ducts than previously.

Leaking before birth is normal but it's colostrum, not the white milk.

@Khyia Yh I’m gonna try that, ever since breastfeeding my first, my nipples have dried up and created this barrier

My milk came in on day 3-4 x

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this is normal milk commonly doesn’t come in until day 3-5. plenty of skin to skin and latch baby whenever any fussing or signs of hunger

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