10 week naps

How long does your 10 week old nap in the day? Feel like we've decided sleep is for the week in the day 😭
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2 hours if I wear her, 2 minutes if I try to put her down 🥲

@Hannah sounds about the same as us atm 😪 becoming draining as I feel like I'm not getting a chance to get anything done with contact naps

My boy only contact naps, he’s great when awake I can put him on play mat and get the housework etc done. But he will only nap in the sling or on someone. He naps well though, 5 x 1-2hr naps a day!

I put my 10wk old boy down for naps in his pram which I then wheel about the living room or the hallway and I have one of this rockit things which slowly shakes it. It’s also good cos you can lift the sun shade up to block out a bit of light which I think makes a difference!

20-30 mins on his own (after being held for 10) or a couple of hours on me / in his carrier. He would do hours whatever the situation until about 9 weeks and then I was definitely having to put more work in to make sure he actually goes and stays down x

@Jess that sounds exactly the same as us x

I find it super frustrating I won’t lie, I’ve got quite upset about it a few times because all I want to do is make the bottles (or just have 20 minutes disassociating hah), my back and knees get quite sore with carrying too. Hopefully it’s a phase and we’ll find something else that works in the near future!

I totally relate and as much as my step count is great, my back is in bits too. I’m sick of walking in circles around the park opposite my house. Hopefully it’s just a short phase and our babes will figure it all out soon.

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