Baby naps

Is it normal for my 2 month old baby to nap for like 10 to 20 minutes? and then she wants to be awake for 3 hours
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Does she have any long stretches of naps throughout the day? Where does she sleep when she takes a nap? Sometimes it's best to do a contact nap during the day in a baby carrier or in the pram so you know that they're getting enough day time sleep

@Becky the problem is that she doesn't want to sleep anywhere she'll sleep for 10 minute and wake up but she's still sleepy and it doesn't matter where she sleeps even on me she does that

My babies like this. He's hard work getting to sleep and even out in the pram he wakes up the minute I stop moving and can easily stay awake for hours! I try contact nap, carrier, pram's all the same so I just think it's a phase that'll eventually pass (I hope)

@Yasmin. Yh i enjoy playing with her i just worry that if she doesn't get enough sleep she might get sick or something

Mine will often for for 20 mins and then wake up; sometimes I have to help him connect his sleep cycles and get him back down with rocking, stroking his forehead etc, and then he’ll go for a while. Contact napping is basically the only thing that gets him a solid stretch so I’m just (happily!) resigned to that for a while - or it’s the carrier if I need to get stuff done. How is she after being awake for 3 hours? Does she naturally take a nap after this point or does it take coaxing?

Are you trying to get her back to sleep after a certain amount of time (will differ for all babies/ages but may be around 45 mins - 1 hour)? I think when babies are overtired it can make their sleep worse too. I do get a good stretch out of my boy in the afternoon, but I do also think the short naps do just happen.

@Jess she's been doing this for 2 days only and it takes long to put her to sleep at night

@Yasmin. Yes but she cries when i try put her to sleep

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