Our little man has a 30 mins nap on nursery days (Monday through Thursday). Friday to Sunday he doesn’t often nap, unless he drifts off in car.
i cut out the nap my daughter turned 2 in october and i promise you bedtime takes 10 max 15 minutes to sleep and they are so tired they'll sleep 12 hours at night!!
Why not try for a shorter nap a bit later on? If they’re taking over an hour, are they tired enough? I do 2:30pm for our nap time and never really have to fight. If you only let them nap for 30/45 mins, it shouldn’t impact bed time too much. What time are you currently trying to put them down?
@Denisa same we did this just skipped the naps sleeps at 7
What time does she wake up for the day xx
My lonis the same and we started waking him up a bit earlier in the morning and it helped