
We suspect this is a regression but I’m just not used to this behaviour from our 18 month old! He’s very early with his language and is putting multiple words tigether etc but atm when we are talking to him, he will say something, for example ‘nanny’ and will seem really happy and excited…then if I ask if he wants to see Nanny he will burst into tears and say ‘no not nanny’. He is doing this constantly throughout the day with milk, food, toys, sleep, anything! Last night he was screaming for over an hour about going to bed and couldn’t stop crying ‘no not beanbag’ because I was sitting on one 😴 I just don’t get it?!
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What's regression about that? :) x

@Jess being extra irritated and screaming/refusing to go to bed.

I don’t know yhis doesn’t sound like regression but leans more to emotions and feelings and trying to assert himself or trying his best to be understood

@Polly I agree with Diane, I wasn't being funny x

We’re experiencing something similar. Our lg is super advanced with speaking but like yours is now telling us what to do, where to sit, she even gets my shoes and says walking 😂. Sometimes she sits there and says so much that’s so random I can only imagine her brain is scrambled and trying to figure out how to get her words out. I think it’ll be more frustration as he knows what he wants to say but isn’t saying it properly so you’ve no idea what to do x

@Jess oh no I knew you weren’t. I wasn’t sure if I hadn’t got my point across properly 😂 whilst quickly writing it mid meltdown x

@Jess I did think this is what it could be tbf! It’s like he wants something but can’t fully explain what it is. At night he says ‘milk, no milk’ over and over and constantly gets beside himself! Haha yes! Our little boy constantly tells me to ‘stand up’ and ‘dance’ 😂

@Polly dance 😂😂, we’re just little puppets in their world now!

I’m also in a similar situation, I feel my boy gets really frustrated, he always wants to go outside and will get his shoes and stand by the door and I just explain to him ‘wait a minute whilst mummy gets ready, and then I will put your shoes on’ but he doesn’t understand I guess, sometimes he has a full on meltdown! X

Doesn't sound like regression, more learning about new feelings and emotions. My son cried his eyes out today for 10 mins straight because I didn't want to go in the supermarket 😅. I think it's the terrible 2's starting as they can start around 18 months

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