I slept on my mamas chest, my brother slept on her chest, my sister slept on her chest, my youngest brother slept on my chest, my first son slept on my chest, my newborn sleeps on my chest. My aunts and cuzins my grandma all my family has always done it chest It depends on you and wat you believe you can handle. ❤️ it is not for everyone but if it works for yu like it works for us good on you mama 🫶🏾
I follow a page on fb and Instagram the happy co sleepers community and there's lots of advice on there
Yes. Make sure you are not too exhausted and that your partner or family member is aware. So that they check on you both ☺️
If you move a lot in your sleep I wouldn't recommend it or if they don't have the best head control
Cosleepy on instagram has lots of visuals on how to do this safely- but ensure bed is clear, babies head is higher than their heart and they’re not swaddled (so they dont overheat)! Its a gamechanger if done safely and correctly! Xxx
It’s how he sleeps during growth spurts or I’m trying to get him straight to sleep. I make sure my arms are sitting to where if he rolls he doesn’t leave my chest
I slept with my son on my chest til he was 3/4 months and I just made sure I had a small incline and that we both weren't going to roll around. I def recommend following happycosleeper on Instagram 🙂
My midwife did this with all 7 of her kids. She said it's surprising how quickly you'll adapt to not moving around, she always used pillows to keep herself at an angle enough for the babies head to be up. I was too small and my newborn was too big for me to do this, sadly--my husband is an entire foot taller than me so my baby came out big.
I have to chest sleep as its the only place he will sleep. He's 8 weeks on Tuesday.