First time mom to my little boy he is 4 months and his gums looks like this and I can see 2 at the bottom is this normal?

I didn't think they looked like that almost looks like there coming through the top side of the gums instead of down, do you think his is teething?
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Based on that photo I wouldn’t say those are ready to cut anytime soon but you never know. Bottoms usually come in before top but not always.

I'd still class it as teething especially of they're uncomfortable. I agree they won't cut through yet but I've been able to see my LOs bottom 2 like that for weeks and weeks and they're moving up even though they haven't cut through. He's definitely noticed the movement!

@Lily getting photos of gums is difficult haha have you tried the glass test to see if there are teeth there? It doesn’t look like he’s teething yet. Is he showing any signs?

There definitely there I can see them, he is exclusively breastfed and he goes through stages of pulling off and screaming like he is in pain and he is all about his hands on his mouth and dribbling just didn't think they would look so prominent at 4 months

@Lily if that’s what it is hopefully they cut through soon.

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