Dummy and sleep regression

I need an advise from somebody who’s been though this… I gave my 11 week baby girl a dummy last week and it helped her settling so much! For naps and nighttime sleep I basically put her in a cot fully awake but in a dark room and with white noise, with a dummy in and stroke her head for 5 or so mins and she falls asleep. She spits out the dummy most of the time and carries on sleeping but I’ve read that when 4 months sleep regression hits and they start to learn to settle they will wake and require you to reinsert the dummy every couple of hours. Is this the case? Should I bin the dummy before it’s too late and go back to rocking her to sleep and transferring? What’s best in this case?
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The thing is they say for the regression that they wake and whatever way they fell asleep is what they're looking for when they wake. So if you hold and rock to sleep when she wakes she will be expecting to be in your arms still when she realises she's not she will want to be. So same with the dummy. Were not there yet but I've been reading loads about it and trying to get ready for it by self settling but I mean he does have his dummy but I already have to replace through the night.

@Cheryl I’ve read the same thing so now panicking as I definitely do not want to reinsert the dummy all night… how has it been going with self settling? How are you teaching self settling?

@Liza it was sort of an accident really. He started falling asleep same time every evening so now I aim to put him down 10 mins before that so he isn't overtired and just see what he does. He usually is rubbing his eyes then gradually drifts off. We only started Monday and he's done 6 of the nights, one he just wouldn't settle I think he was overtired so needed help drifting off.

@Cheryl omg this is amazing! And do you put him down with a dummy or without?

Mine already does, we put it back in a few times a night, especially around 3am and 5am for whatever reason! We’re quite happily allowing him to suck his hand / fingers when needed to see if that can be any kind of replacement too. In terms of self settling we just leave him 5-10 minutes to see if he’ll calm himself down again, which he usually currently does through head rubbing or bashing his legs about - if he actively cries we pick him up but otherwise he’s (hopefully) getting himself comfy and ready for the next sleep cycle x

@Liza he has it but he often spits it out and uses his hand! Which sadly leads to his thumb. But he has had his dummy from alot earlier than your little one. We used to put it back in countless times a night but atm it's not too bad. His evening feed about 8 or 9pm he goes down without it as he falls back asleep straight after his feed.

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